Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
No more sweating a bit too much to the point that it feels like someone dumped a bucket of warm water over my head. At least of now, huh?

Yup, I did my errand and mission accomplished even more thanks to the fact that I got a bonus. Wait a minute! I haven't even said what I did! *Hedgehoggy slaps himself*

There's this military/outdoor place that that girl from my gym mentioned I should try for bandanas. Lo and behold! We gots ourselves in quite a pickle in trying to figure out which ones to get. Let's see......there was yellow (not the color I want on me head), purple (see yellow), camouflage (love it!), black (whooo!), green (be still, my heart!), and mixture colors.

After much consideration as to what the latest pirate/gangbanger would look like for ol' Hedgehoggy here, I selected camo, black with red strips here and there, and green. Yellow and purple just don't seem to go on my head as well as others. I'd just feel like I look too fruity even though I do wear a yellow t-shirt every now and then. That grey bandana was tempting as well.

The bonus was getting dog tag "silencers." What they do is keep the tags from clanging when you run/walk. The military made them so a GI can silently sneek up on the enemy and slice that neck without that target being aware.

I just thought it was about time I started not letting my dog tags make me sound like a cow coming home to which his bell lets everyone know.

"Hey, look! There's Hedgehoggy coming home from the pasture."

I've loved wearing dog tags since I'm not into jewelry and all that crap. Silver is my favorite type if I am forced to wear something. Yeah, it's hard to believe that there are still a bunch of fat guys wearing giant medallions but that's not my bag. The dog tags are also a way to identify me if I'm going out thanks to "bullets and gunsmoke."

Once again we are back into the discussion of music, folks. I've grown up with so much, from the Sex Pistols to The Clash. I've mentioned before about my cousin having pictures of Johnny Rotten on his wall to which I knew at such a young age about punk and metal. The movie Sid And Nancy can really confuse someone at that time like it did me.

However, punk wasn't the only music to which parents were upset with. New Wave was freaky as well, especially the hair and clothes. It was every parent's nightmare to see his boy wearing eye shadow while girls had so many hair colors.

I was used to seeing this new lifestyle at such a young age since my babysitter for the mornings had a daughter that was very much into punk. The red hair was hard to forget at 7am. Funny how the other daughter was a blonde cheerleader that bored me.

So, what am I getting at? I have a love of the band Human League, whom put out such classics as "Don't You Want Me" and "Keep Feeling (Fascination)." That first song still has me to this day a slave to it in how articulate it all fit. Hell, I played the tape (found at a garage sale) while on errands and found myself singing along with "Don't You Want Me."

The DVD comes out tomorrow with all the videos of Human League!!! Whoo! Yes, I know it's a bit odd to see the male lead singer wearing quite a bit of makeup but who cares!?! It's all about the music and I can't wait to play the videos I haven't seen in so many years. Gee, MTV, why not? You've sold out to preppy fucks with no talent or anything interesting to say.

Of course, Duran Duran's "Greatest" comes out as well. Who can forget "Rio," "Girls On Film," and "Hungry Like the Wolf." I love those as well as "Notorious" with that horn section.

"Don't monkey with my business!"

Whatever happened to all these ways of expressing yourself? It feels like music artists are more about calculating in selling CDs rather than being themselves. I'm longing for chicks with purple hair and leather jackets as opposed to blonde with big boobies. I've never been entranced with tits.

Me? I'm still fucking sore. Usually it's the 48 hour soreness so I should be completely healed by tomorrow. My new workout isn't til tonight thanks to my need to experience a high once the night falls. I may be a morning person but my body doesn't wake up til I see a moon.

Ohhhhhh....wishing I was a werewolf to rid this world of murderers and rapists! Wishing I could go pee in people's gardens to liven up things! I'd shake my massive weiner to scare away all the little old ladies and take dumps on the police cars hiding behind the Dollar Stores and to say I DID IT MYYYYYYYY WAYYYYYYYYYYY!

Oh, I am a wacky one with a heart of gold to which I wish I alone could make this world a bit better.

Save the budget and eat a politician!

As soon as I remember all the words, I'll mention this cool t-shirt I saw someone wear. Nothing like a black one saying things your mother would never want you to wear on your back to show allegiance to no one. *Hedgehoggy picks his mind*

So, I'm a bit happy today. Sue me. I've got new bandanas to wear as soon as I was them, an interview tomorrow, and a love of music videos long forgotten by those of us that appreciate individuality. You'll never see me wear makeup but I admire those that rebel against the usual.

Me? I dream of being a ninja/werewolf/rock n roll star complete with good fashion sense. Aint I a keeper?

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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