Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Just finished my super fantastico lunch of pita bread topped with mozzarella cheese and a Dannon yogurt. My lunch is as regular as a bowel movement in that I pretty much eat the same thing every time.

The weather is really chilly and I like it since I'm more at home with this. My body tenses up at the right times due to its warming itself to recooperate from the cold. Plus, I love wearing long sleeve shirts and a jacket every now and then. Variety is the spice of life.

Another day and another errand:

My brother works at a car place to which I can get bargains on what I need fixed up. I've had my brakes done, tires replaced, and now I had to add a rim due to my little mishap last week when I drove on a flat. Gonna cost me about $159 to do all that I need. Notice how calm I am even though I feel a bit stressed as to where my money is going?

Of course, the waiting room was just the most fun place you can be! Not. I was bored since I've read every Sports Illustrated, ESPN magazine, and Field And Stream they had there.

Fun facts learned: Did you know cougars have a call to which they *might* respond?

There is such thing as "Hunter Rage?"

Hunting dogs go through the "terrible twos" and there are things you can do about it?

I'm just not into hunting since I cannot hurt an animal. It breaks me inside to see it in pain and I'm just not the killing type even though a few of my friends do it with ease. Dogs, especially mine, can be my best friends.

Speaking of my dogs, I just took Bonnie and Clyde outside to run around. Bonnie was tough to wake up due to a real long sleep. Clyde's pretty much ready to go at a moment's notice as long as he's warm.

*When Clyde's cold, he wraps himself into a towel to which you can't see him at all but if you look closely, his big nose is out.*

When Bonnie and Clyde are let outside, they always have a special greeting for each other, they kiss. I'm not kidding in that after missing each other for an hour or even 5 minutes, they come up to each other and kiss. Isn't that awesome!?! For all the savage craziness they make me go through, Bonnie and Clyde always crack me up with a little senitmentalness.

So, I start work next Tuesday at 6am. This is gonna be a big change for me to get used to, folks. Although I can wake up with no problem (a few bad words pop out of my mouth), I'm pretty much awake in 5 minutes. The store director calls what I'm doing a "fast paced environment." Should have seen the other one where there was the occasional drunk skydiver I had to deal with.

Oh, in the waiting room, there was this woman on her cell phone the whole time. Fucking drove me nuts!!! There was this little man inside me screaming for me to rip her cell out of her hands and throw it across the room. Some of us do not need to talk all day or need constant chatter around us. Wonder if they have help for people like me that prefer a more stable and sane self.

What I thought about doing was picking up the remote for the TV and saying:

(Imitates phone ring)

"Oh, hi, girl! What's up? You know I'm just sitting here with an itchy ass and the occasional actions of flicking my boogers at the windows. What's that? You think I can make some snot into a Christmas theme? Really!?! You are too much! (Farts really loud) Oh, that was me! Really! Wanna hear another one? (Farts really, really loud) Don't you just hate it when your ass burns?"

The next thing I know, I'll look over to this woman constantly on the cell phone in which she was forced to listen to my insane conversation and ask if she wants to pull my finger.

Well, I'm outta here to chase my dogs and get a short nap due to not sleeping much last night once again. Bah! 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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