Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Welcome to HedgehoggyLand, where we do more by 1pm than most people do all day. It's insane but we loves it, baby!

Yeah, I have no idea why but I woke up at 8:30am but found myself with enough sleep to get my ass up and trek on. Last night, I planned things out such as getting fuel and visiting the store to make sure I have to be there at 5am on Monday. *more on this*

Gawd, it felt good to touch the carpet in my room with my bare toes and not have to mentally prepare myself for soreness due to walking all over hard floor at work. Nope, I just wiggled freely and headed onto the bathroom to pee with glee.

To many, they would call this a gloomy day but I love it! It's hazy and cold looking but just right. If I were still in high school, I'd get a bunch of people over and play a game of football but things tend to happen when you're over 20. People get married and disappear due to.......(echoing)....responsibilities!

So, my day was spent getting my car gassed up to prepare for the week. No more of just putting $2 in but a whole $10 bill y'all. Freaky to find myself actually coming close to filling my car up instead of having the dial tell me I'm at 1/4. By golly, something's wrong here and I'm just not sure what it is.

For some reason, I just wanted to get myself a gift for being such a good little worker bee. A new pair of cargo pants were a definite must so I was lucky enough to find the right size (baggy at 34) and in the right color (grey) all while all the other colors were sold out (I have them all). 5 pairs of cargo pants for work makes me all gooey inside. However, women shopping for their kids do get to occasionally see my ass crack as I bend over due to them being baggy.

"Attention shoppers! We have some major hairless ass in aisle three. You should all be advised that this will be dealt with by giving him a major spanking and pinches! That is all."

There's something about the feeling of walking out of a mall with a big bag and not having to worry about overspending (I'm pretty thrifty). Seeing others share in this delight feels good as well. It's the massive amount of people taking up parking spaces that sucks. Sucks!

Going back to the store to see my boss was quite a shock. He told me to look at the schedule and see what hours I have. No one told me that I work tomorrow morning!!!! Arrrgh. My idea of a Sunday morning is getting up and reading the paper with parents. Sunday funnies are to be taken seriously, especially "Sherman's Lagoon." However, I do have Wednesday off.

I just had to check the G.I.Joes there and ended up walking out with about 7 of them. Good thing I had a discount since I just cannot resist those mean ol' villians. They are now sitting on my bookshelf armed to the core.

I'm also feeling rested because I took a look at those pictures more thoroughly that I got developed yesterday. The one where I'm holding Ryley, Mark and Crystal's baby, has to be my favorite. It's so beautiful that I overcame my fear of holding babies, huh?

What I couldn't help noticing was that Bald-O was right in that I do look skinnier! My face is so toned now thanks to running for 20 minutes a day 6 days a week. This shit works and sheds excess fat, I guess. I like my new look and it also helps in my overall outlook in me actually feeling happier in life. Yeah, I do remember being grumpy for some time.

It's nice to have a request on this so I will do it. I'm going to do a big entry on my love of the vagina. I've loved this part of the female anatomy as much as the woman herself. Many guys just see the vagina as a place to stick their cocks in but no one really shows what is so amazingly beautiful about them. There's so much to tell and I do remember my firsts: fingering, licking, massaging, and fucking. It seems like the world worships cocks but neglects vaginas so someone has to stick up for them. However, I will never call them "pussies" due to my belief in them not being weak. Yeah, I know my nickname is "Pussy" but that's only because the boys laugh at how I share my feelings. Boys don't do that or do they?

So, I am going to head on up for a nap now. I'm plenty exhausted at this point after shopping, running, and being shocked that I work tomorrow. It's just a day in the life. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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