Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
It gets harder and harder to wake up each morning. I'm at the point that I definitely need an alarm clock due to finally sleeping (but not enough) to the point that I am just completely out in La La Land.

I don't think I've ever woken up at 3:30am because it sure is different. No lights outside. Quite a bit of fog. No sounds. Any light seems dimmer. Hardly any cars (I saw 3 today). It's just me alone out there trying to get to work.

Oh, but we play our tunes loud to hopefully wake us up! I'm busy blasting "Don't You Want Me, Baby" by The Human League at 4:45am on my way to work all while keeping a keen eye out for potholes.

Potholes are my enemy because there is one that seems to just suck me into its grasp. I know where it is but I damn well become sucked up into its tractor beam. BOOM! This pothole is fuckin' deeper than a pornstar's asshole during a gangbang. Funny thing is that no one has ever tried to fix the damn thing so there may be others sucked into it as well.

I've gotta tell ya that by 8am (2 hours til I'm done), I was close to the point that I didn't want to leave the breakroom. The 2 Twinkies I brought as a snack just didn't do their jobs. Sugar is what I need at times to make myself all hyper in order to feel good about work. Either that or Play-Doh. We won't be talking about Play-Doh.

Sometimes, when work is very nill at one point, my supervisor looks for things for us to do. Why? There is nothing! Why can't we wait til the next shipment off the truck? I know we are understaffed but there are times where we do unnecessary things.

To avoid things I shouldn't be doing, I hide in the sporting goods area and sometimes bounce a basketball. My supervisor would think I'm just doing this before I place them in a basket area. Nope. It's just me feeling so sleepy while I'm not needed to stock.

Don't you hate it when a supervisor gives special treatment to others? I've never stood around to talk much but she does with this group of girls. If I even get caught walking with nothing in my arms, I get questioned.

Note to self: Always carry something. Look serious with a bag of M&M's.

The one thing I absolutely hate is seeing Hilary Duff's face in so many places. She's an absolute moronic piece of fluff with nothing to say. In my opinion, I wish they'd place any image of her in the urinals so peeing would be fun.

Oh, speaking of bathrooms, we have Sponge Bob pictures all along the top of the tile. Funny. I'm sure we have customers pooping all while looking at Sponge Bob hanging out at Bikini Bottom (name of his place). I'm sure we get a couple masturbators as well thanks to fantasies that involve coral or sponges.

Yeah, I notice how much I know about little kids' toys and characters as a result of working. I'm now called a "toy expert." Well, I'm not so sure about that because I still don't know what the hot toy is this year and I still need the occasional help on where to place items.

The good thing is that I know diapers now! We've got junior, jumbo, and so on. Babies are so spoiled in that they even get cartoon characters. Damn, I love to grid my cock with funny looking animals. I'd place Calvin & Hobbes on my crotch or his awesome characters such as "Spaceman Spiff" and "Stupendous Man." I'm sure I'd be the life of the party walking around in my diapers to which people are trying to read the funnies on my ass. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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