Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Yeah, I'm still here but barely awake and very sore from the usual activities of my days. I did the work thing, the errand thing, the workout thing, and the GET NO FUCKING SLEEP THING. All in all, it was a usual day what with occasional dreary rain.

I can't wait to sleep but I first need to unwind by watching a portion of a movie, possibly Tomb Raider 2 because I'm a guy that loves Angelina Jolie. Strong women like her give me hope that the trash I meet out there are not the majority.

Random Night! Random Night! Random Night! we go.....

1. Hooray for Massachussets! It's about time someone stepped in for gays and recognized that they have a right to proclaim their love. I admit that I still get giggles and cringe when 2 guys kiss but I really have no problem with gays. Go for it!

2. Why is this show, Rich Girls, on MTV? It's tacky and very amusing to see 2 completely dumb girls that really do nothing all day but shop and talk. One is pretty and the other looks like a hairy turd. I've read that girls always pick one ugly friend to make themselves look better.

3. Tommy Hilfiger is mega-ugly for a designer. Funny how I know no one that wears his shit clothes that are so dull that I'd rather go to Church than watch a runway he is involved in. *That's saying a lot!* It was kind of disgusting to see Tommy just go to a Ferrari dealership to get another car for his collection. What about the people that do the actual work? I mean, there are people that sew and prepare the clothes while he just figures out what dull crap to send out.

4. I've lost 10 pounds in 3 weeks and I hate it! I'm losing my muscles all thanks to my running and the fact that I am getting bored lifting weights. Run, Hedgehoggy, run!

5. I've gotta do my outline for the vagina entry. To all, be warned in that I will be very explicit on what I love about them. Somebody has got to stick up for the "pink" out there! Just know that I won't beat around the bush *snicker snicker* about why we guys like them and what we expect. Be proud of your vaginas, girls!

6. Shrek 2's movie trailer came out and it's got one of my fave characters as a kid! Puss N' Boots! Yeah, this is a stand up and cheer moment for the badass cat.

7. My dad is such a shit. He's leaving things for my mom to clean up after him and it bothers me. All he does is download movies, eat, make a mess, and watch TV. My mom gets after him about this crap but he doesn't care. Asshole! Is it any wonder why I want to move out? A guy that says I am not a man treating his wife like this really bothers me. Hell, my dad owes my mom close to a grand.

8. Jeff, one of the guys I work out with, is leaving soon to work in Chicago all because his girlfriend lives there. Why follow a girl? It sounds like the male version of Felicity, huh? This girl didn't come to visit his town as much as he had to drive all 2 and a half hours to see her. I'm gonna miss Jeff and the shit he gave me in the gym to make me laugh.

9. Girls poop pretty nasty at times. I was walking down the hallway out of the lounge and encountered a nasty smell of crapola coming from the girls' bathroom at work. I'm guessing.......MAJOR "SKID MARKS!!!!"

*Hedgehoggy does his Daffy Duck impression. "Whoo-whoo! Whoo-Whoo!"*

10. From now on, my supervisor at work will be called "Crotch Rot."

11. Britney Spears' new CD came out today. I'm not sure if I care.

12. Nelly Furtado is stunningly beautiful and a really amazing singer. Why don't we pay more attention to someone that actually puts effort into music instead of Britney.

13. Christina Aguilera has over $10,000 worth of underwear. That's one girl that doesn't worry about "skid marks." X-Tina is still such a firecracker to me and I like her, even with the extra weight.

14. I don't have to work tomorrow so I don't have to deal with Crotch Rot! That sounds funny to say.

15. I think Sponge Bob is kind of cool and I'm embarassed to say that.

Well, that's all out of this sleepy guy's head. I owe 2 emails tomorrow and I will try to get that Vagina Entry done. It's weird how I studied it before I lost my virginity. I'm such an overachiever, huh? Lip smacking good tasting fun! 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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