Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Life in my household is bliss for now. No chaos or arguing. Well, at least not yet since company hasn't come over. Once that happens, the tradition to argue over the internet will take place.

Oh, but I have an ace up my sleeve due to my dad's constant need to download. You see, he keeps telling me how much of a waste the internet is but I could just ask him why he needs all that porn. Ashley Judd's tits sure are purty, huh, Dad?

Today I woke up to the traditional Thanksgiving morning of finding my mother in the kitchen hard at work. Now, I can understand a few things but I don't get why she feels the need to make food for an army when there are only 5 people actually here. We have such a small family due to my grandparents' deep religious beliefs towards sex being only for procreation. I'm not entirely sure about this but it sure would explain why my grandpa shakes his head when a sexy scene on TV pops up.

I've cleaned my room due to this not been an chore for a little over a week. Dust is a trigger for my allergies so this boy must keep his room clean. Placing carpet deodarizer does wonders as well since it no longer has that "pet smell" that seems to travel throughout the house.

Once my room was clean, I felt the need to lay down and finish the second half of Tomb Raider 2. It's okay but everyone knows my love of Angelina Jolie so she is the only gem in this movie worth watching. I'd love to go on a hunt for rare artifacts with her but I lack my black belt in hand to hand combat.

To which brings up thoughts of me going back into martial arts someday. Great fun but I have no idea if I can substain it due to my re-injuring my right bicep every fucking month! It's hell in healing thanks to my obsession to work with it even with immense pain.

Ever thought about that? Maybe I do like pain because it makes me feel so alive. Hit me or smash me in some way but you'll find a smile on my face and then that's the last thing you'll see due to falling on your face with blood streaming down to form a pool. Unfortunately for me, I have to let the person hit me first due to my hatred for un-necessary violence. Weird.

As I said, I wish my family were a bit bigger so we can have all these people walking around the house and someone to talk to that I haven't seen in a while. My dad hates his dad so that sides pretty much out. Weird in that I have a problem with him in how he says I'm not a real man and how he wastes so much time in his own pursuits. Downloading movies is pretty pathetic if done every day and hour.

So, in keeping with tradition, what am I thankful for?

-I'm alive aren't I? Always remember those late night drives at insane speeds due to adrenaline rushes.

-My family, no matter how fucked up we are.

-I have a temporary job to which I will finish within a month or two.

-That I have rid myself of the feelings in my heart that were disturbing it.

-I'm starting to sleep more (or less due to work) in which I actually fall asleep instead of staring out the window til 2am.

-My attitude is vastly improved towards things. In fact, I am more accepting of what happens so calmness overcomes me. However, if you fuck with me or my friends, you'll see me and how I got the nickname "Spit-Fire."

-I'm dying to give back so I will donate a lot of my old clothes soon. Unlike a lot of people my age, I believe in charity work. That would explain why I spent 2 summers working with the Humane Society. Of course, there is my love of animals that should be included.

-I'm in pretty nifty shape now that I've started running. I look and feel a lot more toned and able to take on more due to my cardiovascular workout. Again, my heart is so much better after doing some major crap to it at one time (I'm assuming).

-My grandparents are still around and since they are the only family we could rely on, I'm giving them major props, folks. My grandma can belch, fart, and so all kinds of things like no other even though she may be a bit slower.

Believe it or not, I am going back to my old college soon. I've felt this need to retake a class that I loved so I can brush up my foreign language skills once again. I'm pretty sure that the teacher I had long ago is still doing it. We'll see.

It'll be so nice to go back to school for just those 2 hours or so and see students I have no idea who they are. I may have graduated but I love to learn and get lost in this school that resembles a giant maze once I get re-accepted (crosses fingers). Wait'll the teacher gets a load of me now. I drove her crazy once and I'll no doubt do it again because she loved having me there.

It's also tradition to tell my mother what I want for Christmas in the eve of this day. Here goes:

-If I were to ask for materialistic shit, I would like a 43 inch High Definiton TV along with a new 7.1 Dolby Digital/DTS receiver and a new DVD player with progressive scan. Got all that? Add that to 5 to 8 pairs of Calvins to keep my "boys" all snug. Nothing else matters in that I have everything I've ever wanted.

-The thing I will ask for is to have my car all fixed up in adding a new fuel filter and so on so that when I drive to Bald-O's on my own, I won't have the worry of it breaking down. I *think* the guy told me I need almost $600 of repairs. It's so tough to find a good mechanic, huh?

-As for my thoughts in what I wish for, I'd want a smarter president, affordable healthcare for people out there, peace in the world, less greed/gluttony, marijuanna to be legalized, an end to terrorists, an end to obesity, other countries to actually embrace us for our good changes, execution of violent criminals by firing squads, homelessness to be dealt with instead of just a few days work, MTV to see itself in how awful it really is and how it is destroying our world, and many, many more things to which I would get too into and make this entry too big.

Audience: "Snoooooooooring."

WAKE UP!!!!! I'm still here and talking, alright? I'll try to narrow things down and finish this entry.

Yes, I am a bit worrisome on tomorrow's working schedule of 5am til 2pm but I can deal with it. Cart chasing should be a little bit of fun and I'll be away from Crotch Rot for some time. Only when I need some of that catering would I have to see her ugly ass face. Free pizza! Free pizza! Whoo! Isn't that a nice way of telling your employees that they are appreciated at work?

So, I guess I'm outta here for now. I'll be home just puttering around the house all day til dinner. Then, you'll hear my teeth chatter because I don't enjoy going to bed early at all. It's funny how I can't wait to take pictures of all this insanity that goes on in America thanks to nasty consumerism. Blame Bush. Maybe I'll go watch X-Men 2 to see a rag tag team of people that really know how to fight for what they believe in.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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