Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
As I drove down the main road to pay the cable bill, I couldn't help but stare at a college girl running down the sidewalk. It wasn't out of lust but of a bit of jealousy as she strode wearing a long sleeved shirt and long blue shorts. What was irking me was that I need shorts to wear to the gym and I'm too stupid to get them.

It's true that I don't wear shorts to the gym but my PJs. This has been going on for so long that other gym goers have never seen my "chicken legs" due to not lifting weights for them. Add this to running long ago and you get the idea of what the fuck is wrong with this picture:

Big upper body but very thin lower torso. Yeah, I'm a superhero with no career goal. Mild mannered boy by day and hopefully a weirdo in tights that just so happens to be a werewolf/ninja saving the day. I'm weird or something.

Oh, well. Someday I'll get some actual shorts for the gym due to my old ones being a bit small. Let me put it this way: If I lay down on the bench to bench-press, everyone will know what color undies I'm wearing.

Wearing PJs does have its advantages. I can jog without the sight of my schlong flopping back and forth. No worries of what I said as I bench press. My unsightly skinny legs do not have to be shown to those near me to which they will faint or die of laughter. I've also never really been into wearing shorts due to having to walk to the gym in college with bad weather.

Not that my legs are bad but they don't seem to match my upper body so I am a chicken.

"No matter how many feathers you put up your butt, you are not a chicken."

-Tyler Durden

Yes, in Fight Club that line had me laughing so hard. Thanks, Tyler, a character that one of my roommate's parents thought I was like. I've since calmed down.

We all need an ego boost so I must admit that when my friend from high school told me that I look really good it felt so nice. I did casually mention to her that I haven't really been "hit on" in a while but people do look at me. She added that I shouldn't worry about such things and be happy with what I have.

Why do all these people tell me nice things but it's been a while since I've been looked to with lust!?!

Editor: Gawddamn, you are a sexy bitch! Come here and give me some sugar, you...(Gets slapped HARD!)

I don't know how to say it but we all want to feel that someone does find us sexual. Well, at least I do. According to the needs in life, sex is one of them. Although not as important as food and water, I do need a sloppy wet vagina to finger, taste, and enter. I really miss sex at times.

Somehow, I remain calm and live life each day as I can. I've never given up what I love to just sit around and watch TV like some people. Not that I don't watch but I tend to feel like a zombie unless I do something that I feel helps. Watching Real World/Road Rules helps me know that I'm a lot smarter than those idiots. Poor Sarah, how I feel what you go through in that idiotic Road Rules team!

You know what's funny? I laugh at people that complain about getting "hit on." At times, it can be annoying when all you want to do is work out or be with your friends. However, if you're in a bar or gym with your pants hanging so low that everyone can see your thong and what the maker of it is, you really need to examine what you want.

People should feel flattered when asked out. I've always been that way but I admit that I did tend to be a jackass at one time or another in high school. Embarassing but fun times, no? It was more of what happened after my high school girlfriend, Beth, broke up with me. That's when it was discovered that little ol' Hedgehoggy, the sole male that was dumped because he would not have premarital sex (snicker snicker) with his girlfriend. I was so innocent back then!


I've got a nasty ringing in the ear today thanks to the loud baler that I work with at work. What I try to do is back up and leave to the point that the sound doesn't irritate me but it still does. Sometimes, I feel like I'm dizzy as well due to all this.

Well, if all goes well tonight and nothing interesting happens in the gym, I will do my love of the vagina entry! Finally, the Hedgehoggy has come home and will tell all! Can you smell what's coming? If it smells like fish, it can't all be bad..........I like fish. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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