Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Okay, now I can finish my entry that was suddenly broken up into 2. If you are a bit confused, read the entry before this..........

Random entry night! Random entry night! Random entry night!

1. As I said before, I went back to my old college to register for my class. Doesn't nostalgia affect you? Everyone looked so young and I felt so old due to my years in another school. We'll see how I feel when walking the halls once classes start. Problem is that I have no idea as to when.

2. Woke up this morning to massive piles of dog poop in the house. Due to it being so cold, Jethro and Ellie-Mae have taken it upon to doing the "hot shit dance" in our house. You'll come across a pile cleverly hidden behind a couch or chair. What I'm wondering is if ol' "Hoss" and Jethro think poop just disappears or something once we pick it up. You know what the funniest thing is, is when it steams. I know that the little fucker closest was the one that did it thanks to all that "hot off the grill" look.

Speaking of dogs pooping, Clyde likes to have a little privacy. This morning, while I was eating cereal and looking out the window, I watched him go into the corner with all the leaves and finally shit. What was funny was seeing how he wanted to be alone while Bonnie was running around in her usual frantic mode. Clyde has to do a dance before he drops his "bombs."

3. Ah, winter, where would I be without ya? Nothing like passing the time indoors while it's fucking freezing, huh? Played my Playstation 1 game on the Playstation 2 system due to the snow. It's called Metal Slug X and you can read about how great it's considered on Fun game in which, I, yours truly, must save our planet from evil generals taken over by space aliens. Is there any other kind? Never ridden a camel til now all while dodging massive onslaughts of bullets and missiles. Camel died. I lived. Sad but I shot those alien fuckers into nothing but ended up drenched in their massive loads of blue blood.

Violent games are kind of quarky and fun to me. They let off a little steam and this Metal Slug X was so goofy in humor to which I get to face Arabs, aliens, mutants, and enemies with a bit too much ego (I die and they cheer but I come back!). Yes, I beat the game but I wish to play the other 3 characters later on. There's just so much to do in my room, folks!

4. Found an interesting picture on the net. It's a picture of Britney Spears on the can. From what I can tell, I'm only 30% certain it's her due to the fact that the stomach is way too toned for her. Britney is a little softer there than the model that is trying to stop the photographer from taking the picture of her complete with white bra and blue shorts pulled down.

Why? Why do guys want to take pictures of a woman pooping/peeing? It's creepy and shouldn't even be seen as amusing due to someone's privacy being shown. I'm no fan of Britney but to have a picture taken while a bowel movement (I laugh at the word "bowel") is pretty gross.

Thanks to the internet, we've pretty much go it all, huh? I'll never understand what is so erotic about seeing a woman put a tampon in. Just the thought of that almost makes me faint. We all know how I used to have an extreme fear of tampons, right? Guys like me just can't handle strings hanging down there but I'm better now.

5. As I also said before, Asswoman was back in the gym on Wednesday night. Here's what happened:

-I was standing there all alone in the corner area of the gym when she came walking towards me from the cardio area. Asswoman smiled directly at me after really looking at my eyes. Never had that happen before but I know she's seen me due to my always being in the gym on weekdays. It was nice of her to acknowledge me with a smile.

Why do I call her "Asswoman?" Well, I don't know her name but I have talked to a couple of her sorority pals (they all wear the same letters on the treadmill when I run. Also, Asswoman has THE most beautiful butt in the whole wide world that looks to be toned from a sport of some kind, soccer most likely. I could stare it all day and night and would gladly lick the sweat off it once she's done working out. Pathetic, no?

6. Well, I got my 3 pair of Air Jordans this morning. My Imelda Marco obsession when it comes to these shoes is pretty bizarre, no? Remember when I mentioned that last pair of Retro Air Jordans? Well, these are the exact same pair but in the color of grey/white instead of black/red. Be ready for another entry on them because there is a black/white pair coming out soon.

*Be still, my heart*

7. E wants to meet me in the gym tomorrow at 11:30am. Problem? I work til 11am so I'm gonna have sore toes and be a little tired. I'll try to do all this running on the treadmill but I'm not guaranteeing. Seeing that we ate a massive load of pizza for dinner, I'll most likely be in the gym.

Editor: "But Hedgehoggy, you look so slim and trim. Plus those sexy blue eyes are probably what Asswoman was......(nailed on head with hammer).

I felt bad about today due to E being in the gym but I had to do errands that dragged til late afternoon. Her car's front right tire was making noise so she took it into the shop after a morning workout.

Yeah, I'm really liking E and it's so cute to work with broken English due to her being foreign. Oh, she's so tiny and always happy to see me. E's boyfriend had better be happy with what he has because she's so good to know.

Oh, and the fact that E was worried about my hand due to me cutting it each day at work by accident is nice. Most of the old cuts have healed but new ones will be on the way, I'm sure. Damn things burn!

Well, I've got work at 6am tomorrow, a workout, and to the Post Office to send Christmas gifts through the mail. I hate visiting the Post Office due to this one grumpy guy with a porno mustache.

And so endeth Part 2 of Random Entry Night.......

I've got another special entry planned. Just picture me as Lil' Ralphie wanting that Red Ryder b.b. gun for Christmas. Knowing me, I'll shoot my ass off rather than my eye out. Goodnight to all! 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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