Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Well, it's shortly after 7pm and for me, that means my day is pretty much done. 5am wake up calls are such a bitch to deal with!

I'm not the only one. A, a co-worker whom is quite cute, had the same problem I had on Friday. She told me that she couldn't sleep til after midnight as well. Both of us, with tired eyes, just went to work here and there dealing with our morning. It sucks to feel like your dragging knuckles all because you're too tired to lift your arms.

I've gotten emails on the subject so I'll bring it up. I am not off my rocker or mean in what I stated in my previous entries in Diaryland. My only issue was that I was a bit mad at what I was seeing due to Christmas time in how it's all about buying things. Do you really have to show a person that you think of them with that new snowmobile, hat, and Nintendo Gamecube?

Well, if so, I'd be absolutely all over you if y'all bought me a new muffler and fuel filter for my car. Nothing says the true meaning of friendship in helping me out with keeping my car running so that I may chase running children into their yards and running over them not once....but TWICE in their own fucking yards! Whoo-Hoo! Cleaning the car up with Windex afterwards is like so annoying.

But seriously, my town is divided in where all the stores are. North has pretty much everything, be it the mall or shoes. The cars lined up out there is disgusting once 11am or lunchtime hits as well as a complete loss of common courtesy. There will be people blocking other people's lanes. Whoever designed this area of traffic should be shot and then reshot.

The PenDragon sent me an email yesterday in which she was worried about how angry I sounded. I think it's better if I talked in person due to my words being taken out of what I was trying to say. What you see on the screen does not entirely show what is going on. Add that to the fact that I have a very dark sense of humor that many don't get.

If you are so worried about my frustrations, just be advised that I am not in a bad mood any longer. However, I would keep the kids off the front lawn....ya know, just in case.


Actually, today was a rather good day. I found something I haven't seen in years, many years. One Christmas, my mom bought me a Mickey Mouse watch. After all the wear and tear of people pushing the button that plays "It's A Small World" (Folks, it gets annoying after the 12th play), I had it retired to my old room. The battery had worn out and I just decided to give up on it.

Well, being the sentimental dipshit that I am, I'm taking it in to get a new battery and band. This will all be done after work, of course, and saves me money due to my not finding a Swatch Watch (No one has one so it makes it more interesting to me). I'll just place the ol' watch back on my wrist and carry a large mallet for anyone that tries to push the damn button that plays that song.

You know what the funny thing is? I'm pretty anti-Disney due to the change ever since Walt died. If you ever want to see greed, read what the CEO does now. I don't care what he says. $4.50 should not be the cost of a small Sprite at Disneyworld and this was back in 1990 on an extremely hot day in Florida.

Speaking of Disney, I did get to see a little bit of Pixar's "Finding Nemo." Cute but I've only seen the first 15 minutes and little bits due to where I work. Someday, I will finish this movie that had me absorbed as I waited for the manager to get the meeting started. Farting pelicans make me laugh.

My poor, poor dogs. The cold snow brings pain to Ellie-Mae and Bonnie's feet so they have to pick them up for a short time in alternating back and forth. Ellie will run into the living room to warm up her toes as fast as possible while Bonnie seems to take the pain better. Funny how the boys, Jethro and Clyde, don't show all this. My boys are built Ford Tough but hide when the vaccum cleaner comes out.

Clyde: "It's possessed, I tell ya!"

Nothing like catching up on 2 week's worth of laundry. Yes, this week has been nothing but a mess that adds to a scent of ball sweat and work sweat near the laundryroom. However, this does not bother Ellie-Mae, whom finds certain "dirties" to her liking. You should watch her roll and do a little dance in my socks!

If you'd come into this house, the sound of coughing is pretty prevalent. My mom and I have this nagging cough that we can't seem to get rid of. She had the flu the last 4 days and I just have this nagging urge to cough all the time. I swear I'm not smoking cigs again and haven't even touched the cigar waiting for me thanks to being a gift from Chris. Everytime I talk to someone, I have to turn my head to cough. All I need now is for that person to feel my balls as I do this and I'm right back into the doctor's office.

FYI: I've got a female doctor and she's pretty cool! Just hope she has warm hands or I'm gonna sound like Michael Jackson.

Example: "Tee-Hee! Tee-Hee! Dose hands are to code!"

It's funny how to some Christmas Day is a time to see The Terminator for the upteenth time. Yes, men will rejoice in sitting on the couch sharing eggnog and the best lines all to Arnold's amazing rendition of being a robot.

"I'll be back."

"Zarah Conner. I vas told she'd be here."

To me, it was always Reece (sp?) that had me impressed. This little dude up against a T-800 was amazing as well as the scars, keeping cool under pressure (Hey, he took the time for some loooooove making), and being very frank to Sarah about the terminator.

"That terminator is out there. He can't be bargained with. He can't be reasoned with. He will not stop. Ever. Until you are dead!"

Kind of sounds like my supervisor, Crotch Rot. She tends to make work pretty damn miserable by wearing my defenses down so I can't yell back. Crotch Rot sweats, smells, farts, and has bad skin. Could she be a T-800? I'm guessing more along the lines of a defective model that somehow made it's way here. I am so going to get written up again.

Goodnight to all! 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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