Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
So, where have I been? Well, due to unemployment, I went to fill out an application to actually get my ass employed just a few minutes ago. Nice place but I'll only talk about it if I get the job. Just don't want to jinx myself no matter how nice the people working there are.

*Clue: Puppies are there!*

It's just one of those days where you really don't want to do anything. For me, I just want to relax and watch a movie all thanks to waking up quite cold due to the weather. Tomorrow is supposed to be much worse even if the sky looks quite nice.

So, I'm at my own personal dilemmas of which movie I have on DVD to watch. Underworld or League Of Extroardinary Gentlemen? So Close or All the Real Girls? Princess Blade or Matrix Reloaded?

Being a guy can bring about tough decisions based on these factors:

-Adult language (the more the merrier since I am known to have an "interesting vocabulary")

-Violence (good for those days of aggression found within thanks to a thankless boss or bad day at the office-women with pistols are my fave so see Resident Evil)

-Nudity (every male wonders who is displaying "the goodies" so we hope for the beauty of Mila Jovovich or Eliza Dushku in white tank tops but actuality is wonderful so see Showgirls, the most fucked up sexy movie ever made)

-Sexual Content (Nothin' like learning new positions, huh?)

The only thing that absolutely bugs the hell out of me is seeing women fall or give themselves up while running from the killer. You will find me saying:

"Get y'or ass up, woman! Take off those "fuck-me-pumps" and run like hell! No! Don't stop......ever. Damn, she's dead."

However, a new woman has arisen thanks to Ripley of the movie, Aliens, back in 1986. We now get to see women fight back and rightly so. I know for a fact that my mother would kick that alien queen's ass if I was suddenly about to be torn apart (Not that that would actually happen since I can run, yo!). The situation may not be pretty but when you see her mad, things start to shake in this house. Just ask my dogs, since they suddenly form puddles.

What brings me to all this is seeing the movie trailer to King Arthur, the supposedly most accurate depiction of Arthur and his knights. Seeing Keira Knightley as Guinevere has me completely mesmerized with awe and lust. I've loved this actress for a long time and seeing her handle the bow is breathtaking, folks! You know how much I love archery so this is a major plus!

There's something about how all of the elements come together for the movie, King Arthur. For me, it's got medeival times, archery, swords, major battles, Keira Knightley, and the magic of Merlin. How can this movie go wrong?

It's probably because people's imaginations have been disappearing concerning the medeival period. One of my absolutely favorite flicks is The Messenger-The Story Of Joan Of Arc. Yeah, it's got Mila Jovovich in a very boyish hairstyle but I loved this movie to death! However, it died in the theater and only performed in Europe due to their lust for history there.

Ah, but there is hope out there. We saw the Lord Of the Rings Trilogy come to life thanks to those that remember love, elves, human emotions, and the little people. I'm beginning to wonder if George Lucas paid attention to what Peter Jackson, the director, did to make our imaginations run as wild thanks to the Star Wars Prequels being so bland.

Editor: Hedgie loved Darth Maul thanks to a love of martial arts but thought this amazing baddie was used too little.

Not to be outdone, I did see Spiderman 2's movie trailer for the second time and am quite impressed. Doc Ock look good but he was never my favorite character in the comic. I liked Hobgoblin, Jack O' Lantern, Kingpin, Lizard, and a few others. Venom was quite a character! Of course, I will be seeing this Spiderman 2 when I get the chance this summer (July 2).

I know that I am sounding so geeky but that's the way I am inside at times. It's the part of me that lets my imagination and love of characters bring out the inner me. Alas, I'm filled with all kinds of wonder.

I think that guy from Funkadelic said it best:

"Free your mind and the ass will follow."

So, I'll be back soon, hopefully. I saw E last night and things are going amazingly. Will I spill the beans on what's happening now? Time will tell but I have so many good emotions just swelling up.

*Jeenkies! A clue!* 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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