Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Let's just chalk this day up as pretty shitty.........

Tonight was not a great night in the gym due to too many people, Will showed up late, and the treadmills were all taken up by those trying to stick to their New Year's Resolutions.

I'm not kidding about how the gym had too many people! When I was using the preacher curl, there were guys just too close. One guy even took my dumbbells for his own use but at least he gave them back. Sweat came down my forehead but not because of me. There was just too much body heat tonight. Ugh.

We, the hardcore workout maniacs, do not like people just suddenly appearing in our gym for their New Year's Resolutions. These people take up space for 2 weeks and then they just leave once they give up. It's like we get a set point in our workouts but these people that have no gym ettiquete come up to take our equipment and show no manners cause us to get really frustrated.

Case in point:

I was doing my bench presses on Sunday afternoon with E working on her legs at the corner section of the gym. There was this nasty smell of ass that you just couldn't ignore. The culprit? Some guy I have never seen before farted a nasty ol' bomb nearby me. Bastard!

So, when E decided to come over to talk to me, I had to keep her away from my section. I didn't want her to think that I laid out a smog of stale Cheetos and broccoli from my ass. This meant getting to E before she came over by meeting her halfway and leading her away from my section.

FYI: Hedgehoggys are very neat little critters that tend to only blow ass in front of other males like Bald-O. Mom is a different sort in that she tends to beg for farting contests on road trips to which she loses. I do not do this in front of girls.......ever. Okay, maybe Mark's ex, Amanda, but she loves this.

To keep up with this disgusting entry, I watched my dogs outside as they took their afternoon run. You just can't help but laugh at poor Clyde and his pooping habit of having to go in a circle to find the perfect place to shit. Today, he circled for quite some time til he finally made a nice little pile in the leaves. What he did next was something that shocked me.

Clyde has taken it upon himself to stretch his legs out after taking a dump by appearing as if he is pointing. Bonnie started this so he has somehow learned from her that taking a shit means one should stretch the back legs out so there will be no possibilities of injuries. I have weird dogs.

Did you know there is a paper, rock, scissors championship? Me neither! It's true and only the real athletes can handle that ability to hide fingers from the opponent.

Dude: "Fuck, he pulled scissors on me!"

Dude #2: "I win! Paper sucks!"

Gawd, the conversations at such events like paper, rock, scissors have to be the shit.

Editor: "Fo' sho'!"

Do you think these guys get groupies and all that? Do they just walk into a hotel and say, "Hey, we're the paper, rock, scissors champions! Give us your best suite with some hookers and Cristal!"

Or will you be like me, just itching to challenge one of these fucks in the back alley? I'm gonna be rock!

Sign you are a geek at heart:

Our dishwasher died *sniffles* so we've had to wash out dishes by using our actual hands. Funny. It makes one realize how spoiled an appliance can make us.

Well, that dead dishwasher was placed out next to the trash container in hopes that the trash people will take it away. Nope. So, I came home not realizing that my parents had placed the dishwasher out there. As I drove by, I couldn't stop thinking how it looked like R2-D2, the badass bastard that could stand up to C-3PO! I told my mom this and she didn't get it. Geeks, I'm so with you.

Ah, but there is a light to every tunnel. I got to finish the movie, Underworld, after having to stop it due to errands of some kind. Nice flick. Love the clothes and look in how dark it appears. Some of it reminds me of The Crow, a movie that took me 2 showings to love it. Underworld got better at the second showing as well but I already loved it.

My only gripe is that the werewolves are a bit weird looking. I like 'em the way they looked in Dog Soldiers, a VERY terrifying werewolf movie that is incredibly like Aliens with it's own kind of horror.

*Hedgehoggy gives Dog Soldiers a 2 Thumbs Up and an R2-D2 whistle*

I'm a sucker for werewolf movies due to my extreme fear of big hairy things with long teeth chasing after me. Okay, it could be those nuns back in Catholic School that remind me of my hard times back then but without rulers. Nuns don't use rulers anymore. They used stickers.

Nun: "No sticker for you, Hedgehoggy! You can wear my panties if you're good."

*Evil laughter while Hedgehoggy's face turns white*

There were some things I noticed in Underworld that could be true to today. I saw some Republicans in the vampires. The Democrats would be werewolves. However, I didn't see one damn Liberal, something I *kind of* am. I'm so fucking pissed at our politicians that it will take far too long to explain.

Well, I've had a pretty shitty day. I've got class to deal with so maybe I'll get into that soon or maybe I'll talk about an embarassing moment in the locker-room. Let's just chalk it up as a bad day......

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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