Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"We need a regime change.'

I would like to make it clear that I am a libertarian. In saying that, I believe that we as human beings should be allowed to do what we want as long as we do not harm or kill people in the process.

That being said, we should still show manners in how we live our lives. So, that does not mean I have to worry about some guy that has the intense urge to jack-off into someone's soup as being possible while we all look in disgust. Alleys, man. Alleys! They built them for a reason so use them.

Yes, I know it's weird that I am for drugs but you have to take a long look at yourself as well. Do you have prescriptions? If so, do you realize that you are looking for the same possible effect another person is looking for when he/she wants to get high? Think about it. People want to actually feel "normal" and so on or just supp'd up into feeling great just as you do.

Another thing that pisses me off is that the top prescriptions prescribed are for things that could be avoided, heartburn, etc. These are drugs so why do we get so nasty to those that don't deserve such accusations when all they want to do is get high in their own living rooms?

However, I am not someone that smokes weed, shoots up heroin, and does acid every 2 days thanks to that ol' cocaine high. It's just not my thing due to all the chemicals I produce thanks to my personal workouts that would leave you gasping for air/water and wondering how the hell I can still walk out of a gym feeling fine.

Oh, and don't go thinking that I have not done drugs. I have and I've experienced an interesting sort of feelings when on them in the past. Yes, I've been so stoned that I couldn't shut up all night or the time I had to eat 4 peanut butter sandwiches while sucking on a bong waaaaaaay up in a tree (the first time is so special, no?). I will leave it at this.

My sense of beliefs may differ in that I believe in violence. If I had the chance, I would have killed Hitler or Stalin. Saddam would be tortured with a light bulb shoved up his ball-sack and a smile on my face. I bear no remorse to hear Jeffrey Dahmer was killed in prison. John Wayne Gacy should have been tortured so bad that he would piss out of his eyes. I could go on but I am a firm believer in capital punishment and think we should bring back public executions. Told you I'm controversial and don't give a fuck what anyone thinks.

So, those are just some of my beliefs that have made me who I am today. However, it's always pondered me in how I feel like many people are so naive in how our lives are run! I've talked to people in the gym and asked them how they think George Bush is doing as a president.

"I think he is doing a fine job!"

What!?! It's when I ask these people what ol' Georgie-Poo is doing that warrants such a feeling, they get stumped. STUMPED!!!

What does it take to get people to see what our president has done to our world? I've seen countless articles on George's promises of conservation ideals that were just lies. Drilling for oil sure as hell aint saving the world. Privitizing parks is definitely not something I want to see to which squirrels start holding up signs such as "Drink Vanilla Coke."

You're just jealous that the squirrels talk to me. They say, "Koochie, Koochie, Coo!"

There is just too much that George Bush has done to ruin our world in the 4 years that he bought The White House. Oh, you're gonna argue with me on that one!?!

So, what's a libertarian to do!?! I'm definitely not into Republicans and their love of special interests with money. They've already fucked up the health care system til 2006 with something no one can understand but them. Democrats are the only way to go in my thinking that anyone is better than seeing George Bush for another 4 years. Anyone.

So, who am I for so far? After reading a long Rolling Stone article on Wesley Clark (the Britney Spears interview was,like, so complicated n' stuff thanks to her boobies getting in the way), he's become my favorite. The answers didn't seem so prepared and 99% of what he said made complete sense. An example:

Going to Iraq was not necessarily wrong. The problem was in how to implicate it. You don't go into a country with 11 months of war planning and only 2 weeks of planning the after effects.

Yeah, I was completely for ridding the world of Saddam Hussein, something I said many entries ago. It's just that now we've seen over 500 soldiers die AFTER Bush announced the war was over. Been keeping up? The news sure has.

My only problem is what many women have with Wesley Clark and that is military. As many know, the military doesn't exactly give women first class treatment. So, the problem is what Clark will do on women's issues. He's got the boys but can he handle the girls? Sorry, fellas, but I'm all about being equal in things.

My second place candidate? Gotta be Dean for now but it's a very distant second thanks to not knowing about many of the other Democrat hopefuls. There is one that I absolutely dread that I can't remember his name. Just know he is really ugly with a really strange smile.

To all of you that say you hate government, politics, or whatever. I can understand your anger because it all just seems to get worse as time passes. The presidents have been in the pocketbooks of special interests or bought off whatever they needed. It's sad in how Bush said Iraq needed a regime change but in all actuality, we need one bad.

I am just completely dumbfounded as to why people continue to support Bush or even praise Ronald Reagen. Hey, we all knew Ronnie fell asleep on the job. He just forgot where he was at the time.

This election has become very important for me due to seeing America lose out to Bush and his dad for so many years. I know there are people that hated Clinton but I think he did a pretty good job. It's just too bad that some of the people he funded turned into terrorists and we didn't keep an eye on them as we should have. Times change and Bush has done nothing to warrant praise.

So, me? I've just been getting a weird laugh out of my dogs thanks to their dinnertime. Ellie-Mae ("Hoss") cries and whimpers due to her love of food, particularly cheese. Clyde does an actual dance before he eats. Bonnie is just so bitchy to everyone. Oh, and little Jethro has to be protected thanks to Hoss coming over to knock him away from his dinner and finishing it.

Yeah, I was in the gym this morning to run but found myself lifting as well. My mind is occasionally slipping thanks to my *almost* forgetting to work on lower back muscles. I ran my usual 40 minutes but with less problems than yesterday. Funny how may allergy probs disappeared once I finished, huh?

No E in the gym but I did talk to a very pretty girl that designs websites as her job. I miss E and doing my usual eased back conversations that end up with me doing some kind of expression or dance.

It's just a somewhat shitty day that I also felt like avoiding by sleeping for 2 hours once I got back from the gym. Looks warm but feels cold. So dull and lifeless that it feels like Bush's heart when it comes to America. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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