Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Now, I cannot just sit there and watch G.I.Jane without getting the urge to join Demi Moore in such an amazingly grueling workout. Whereas I was able to enjoy the warmth of my room, she was having to get sand and seawater in places I am not allowed to see but imagine. I just had to do sit-ups or I'd feel like a complete louse.

I'm not sure but I *think* it was Kristan that got me to start doing something while watching TV. Whether it was sit-ups or push-ups, I just hated laying there like a zombie and a bowl of cereal in one hand. Okay, watching those moronic Girls Gone Wild infomercials at 3:30am are enough reason to just sit there in disgust at how stupid these girls are to flaunt the college titty for a t-shirt while a guy rakes in millions of dollars.

It was my savior to do sit-ups! Why? Most but not all of my back pain is gone. Oh, you don't know how good it feels to move around with more ease instead of worrying about having to bend over and possibly end up tooting. The strength in my abdominal muscles have returned thanks to me neglecting them and focusing more on my lower stomach muscles with reverse sit-ups. Life is now good, no?

Okay, I laughed my ass off at Sammy's diary on this so I'll do something similar.......

-I cannot stand Jessica Simpson, Avril Lavigne, Paris Hilton, and Nicole Richie due to all their constant needs to be in the spotlight showcasing stupidity as being okay.

-I don't listen to current music and feel old thanks to not knowing the latest bands. TRL is something to laugh at and not to watch in all seriousness the way so many kids do nowadays.

-I think old people drive even slower when it's colder.

-I'd also like to add that old people should not be allowed to have SUVs.

-I don't fart in front of girls except Mark's ex-girlfriend, Amanda.

-I have an obsession with cheese and eat it everyday.

-I love martial arts, gunfights, car chases, tough girls in white tank tops kicking ass with big guns, sword fights, and people that actually take care of themselves instead of whiney characters.

-I think Mariah Carey should be sent to Mars and left there.

-I'm more impressed with movies that continue to stay in my mind than stuff produced for people that cannot think.

-The Olsen Twins don't bother me as much as they do to others.

-I love quirky movies that have me surprised with originality like Donnie Darko and not dumbed down for a huge audience.

-I have very big forearms.

-I also have old scars from my past that have stories to which I can actually remember.

-I love playing with butterfly knives and the scars on my hand show all the practice I put into them.

-I only stink in the summer due to gym sweat.

-I love A & F pants due to how baggy they are but hate most of the shirts due to how "preppy" as well as the fact that I can't fit most of them.

-I have a Mickey Mouse watch and am proud of it.

-My chest muscles get me a lot of attention to which one girl stared at them as we talked.

-"Cuteness gets my attention but brains keep me there"

-I believe all drugs should be legal.

-I've broken my right foot in baseball but played both games of the doubleheader anyway.

-One of my girlfriends sent me a diary that contained an entry about how good my cum tastes. She's not the first one to tell me this. Girls can be so raunchy!

-I enjoy oral sex and don't think of it as a chore but something I love to do.

-My close friends live 2.5 hours away.

-I don't trust people easily.

-I have very blue eyes and E says I need to start matching clothes with them.

-I hate Hilary Duff, Oprah, and Dr. Phil with passion.

-The best description I've ever been given of myself is "Passionate" since I think with my heart as well as my head.

-My 4 Yorkshire Terriers would agree.

-I don't think I will ever get married.

-I have more than 700 DVDs but have only watched about 400 of them.

-I can't wait for Garbage's 2004 album because I miss them as well as Shirley Manson. It's weird that she's doing a song with Marilyn Manson.

-I don't have the look of someone that listens to Garbage.

-I think Colin Farrell is one of the coolest actors and would definitely down a pint with him in a bar along with me eating out Angelina Jolie.

-I've been shot at 3 times.

-I have no bullet wounds.

-The last fight I got into was in 8th grade.

-No one fucks with me in the gym.

-It's rare when someone comes up to talk to me first.

-I'm not shy but I don't feel comfortable around some people.

-I'm not a summer person but a warm Fall kind of guy.

-I have no problem with gays.

-I do have a problem with old ladies not wearing underwear in my gym.

-I eat a lot of chicken and corn.

-You are probably bored right now.

-I still read comic books and am proud of it since it shows a great form of imagination all while keeping my jock side tame.

-I love movies with werewolves because they scare me.

-Clowns scare me, too.

-My hair is very naturally spiked but I still put hair gunk in it anyway to make it feel sharp to the touch.

-People have flirted with me on Diaryland and told me they wanted to kiss me so bad even though they have never seen me.

-That being said, I am amused easily.

-However, I get bored easily.

-I've seen someone O.D. on drugs.

-I was once a bodyguard for a drug dealer long ago. I still laugh at this.

-The last time I got high was over 4 years ago and I haven't done a thing since because working out is all I need to get my fix.

-I wish I weighed 200 pounds instead of my 183.

Well, I'm off to dinner so I hope this enlightens someone. If not, ya just wasted 10 minutes of your life! 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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