Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Does anyone else feel their bones when it's this cold? It's strange to sit around or even just to walk around while feeling your actual skeleton. Is it age or something else?

Yeah, it is that cold today and the same is supposed to be said for tomorrow. Yippee! That makes this whole fucking week a Blockbuster Night and I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks. Being inside is way better than being out there to which after downing a couple pints one has to see pee turn into an ice rink. My dogs have so many little ones outside that birds skat on them.

So far, I am bored to tears in my class. This is all my fault thanks to the class just being a practice session. You see, I took it many years ago and it looks like I've still got some of that ol' knowledge in my head. It scares me but it's good to know I have a great memory.

However, I have to say that anyone thinking of renting Cabin Fever from Blockbuster should really think about what you are renting. I'm not that easy in making a queasy feeling in my stomach *Forget about my fear of tampons because THAT is so over now* but when I saw the most talked about scene in this movie......

Okay, some college friends go rent a cabin in the woods all while there is a sudden outbreak of the old ebola virus. It's a flesh eating bacteria, in case you didn't keep up with the news, folk. One thing leads to another and let's just say that many people suddenly get it.

What had me all feeling funny? The scene where one of the most beautiful women is sitting in the bathtub shaving her legs is pretty unforgettable! Pieces of her skin fall off as she goes back and forth. Suddenly, Hedgehoggy is shocked at what he is seeing. Oh, man!

Another one is where this guy doesn't know his *girlfriend* has the virus and tries to seduce her while she is sleeping. After a bit of time rubbing her between her legs, he pulls his hands up to find a massive amount of blood. Like I said, beware of this movie. I'm not even finished with it due to my gym time coming up. Whatever you do, don't eat as you watch Cabin Fever. Douse yourself with a some Finding Nemo if you feel sick after seeing this movie and say 10 Hail Marys.

Well, I have dinner now (weird timing since I just paused Cabin Fever on the 20th chapter) as well as hitting the gym in a bit. Let's just say I feel it in me bones that my workouts gonna be a tough one to finish. Hedgehoggy, he be feeling older than Old Spice. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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