Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
It's madness, I tell ya! Today was just complete errands for my dad and then to come home and soak in the tub only to find all our hot water was gone, drove me nuts.

Yup, I was a dirty boy for pretty much all of today thanks to not being able to just lay there in hot water and turn myself pink, wiggle my weiner in front of the mirror, and then play hide and go seek with myself thanks to the shower curtain. Got all that? I'm a busy boy!

So, I tried to take a nap. Hence that word "try" because it was about 20 minutes of me just laying there after being bombarded by messages from people running for senate. These commercials, along with Hardees' moronic burger commercials are pathetic.

You know what really pisses me off? It's when politicians put their families in the ads. It's a cross between using them and showing those of us slaving over making dinner that we are so low compared to them. I mean, who dresses up when it comes to that time? My mom's hair is a mess, my dad is wearing a white shirt with so many holes that we all know of his "cleavage," and I'm happily belching to myself. Now, that's a realy family!

Well, at around the 7pm mark, I decided to get that bath but the hide and seek was too short. Damn, I found myself and had to give up early!

Oh, do watch Bend It Like Beckham if you get the chance. I got to finish the flick I started early last year and was lost in all 112 minutes of it thanks to great cheering from moi. Due to my love of soccer, Keira Knightly, and that main girl, I was in complete awe. Nice surround sound in that my room shook during the soccer matches.

What's really good about Bend It Like....was that it wasn't all preachy and had a bit of sass to it. This wasn't Disney's crap of everything's gonna be alright. The mother's sudden fear of her daughter's possibly being lesbian was hilarious and to see Jessimina not let go of who she is yet still accept culture was good. I'm betting a lot of Yanks don't even know who David Beckham is. Learn.

There is light in that being my back is 100% now. I can now bend over to tie my shoes and not have to curl up on the ground begging for someone to pick me up. Nope. I'm A-Ok and ready for play.

This is a shitty entry due to all the crap placed in my head lately so I'm sorry. I've got so many topics but the politicians are bombarding my poor, poor head with lies that I am trying so desperately to filter them out with what is the actual truth. I'll do a very special Hedgehoggy's Decision 2004 entry to tell who I like and why once I do some homework on him. I will tell you that Dean is not on my list along with Al Sharpton. Though, I'd like to see Al do Anal Ring Toss.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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