Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
A long time ago, in a private Catholic school far, far away.......

I can still remember that day. It was Valentine's Day but this was no ordinary mushy holiday shit we would get. No, no, no. It was pure hell for many but for a kid like me, I was in pure wonder while being in the back of my parents' car driving around to see what special event we were brought. It's funny how a kid can find the outmost joy out of a horrible day that adults would dread.

We were warned that there would be an ice storm on Valentine's Day just the day before so no one had any real time to prepare for the fury that day. However, due to my father's never ending pursuit in being prepared for everything, we had it all. Yup.

The ice came down pretty hard and all power was out for some time. Rain was pretty tremendous and froze so fast that the streets were shiny and gleemed at you if you smiled at them. While everyone else was freezing their asses off, my dad got the generator running.

Damn loud thing running in our garage! It was a surprise to me that I actually slept that night but somehow I did. On visits to see my dad out in the garage, you had to shout anything to be understood. Actually, it was kind of best out there due to having no lights at all. That was the only scary point to a kid.

Well, picture me, a kid hooked on horror movies and such, and you'll see why I didn't like having the lights off all over. The night's sky didn't help much as I huddled with my brother under a lantern. Just great, huh? Me and my little brother had to share a lantern that night since it was much too early for bed. There's also the bathroom factor in which it just so happens to suck when the other has to take the lantern into the bathroom. Mom never liked it when we missed.

Well, my parents had to leave for some odd reason that night. It was just me and my little brother in the middle of the hallway with this damn green lantern for light all while the generator's loudness would keep the sounds ringing in our ears.

My little brother looked at me, due to our incredible amount of boredom, and said, "Watch this!"

Poof! The lantern's light went out. Fuck! That was our only light and my brother's stupid act of humor caused us to sit in the darkness all because he couldn't figure out what the fuck he did in the first place. Yeah, I was mad but I couldn't see the little shit to get a smack on him.

My parents arrived about 30 minutes after to our voices. It was embarassing to have to be rescued from the dark but that was me. I only like the dark if I am at an advantage.

So, to a kid on the day of an ice storm, it's the after effects that thrill us. The trees all around had ice dripping from them. Many died and had to be cut up. Power lines were knocked down to which power being restored was a slow process to certain portions of the city. It was hell to adults but pure fun to us kids.

School was the next day and I was forced to go back to my torturous Catholic school to be accosted by nuns. One of them asked each of us to state what we did during the ice storm.

After hearing each sob story about how horrible the ice storm was, I stood up. It was my turn and I said the weirdest thing to which my mom still finds funny:

"I don't know what y'all's problems were but I was warm with a generator running."

It was funny how my fellow students told me how pathetic I was all due to my dad's constant need to be prepared. Sometimes, the messanger just needs to keep his mouth shut, huh?

Well, that is an actual true story from HedgehoggyLand. The reason I am telling this is that tomorrow we are expecting an ice storm! Once again, we will be prepared but my brother will not be anywhere near a lantern if he knows what's good for him. My eyes have adjusted to the dark.

I'm not overly nervous at all. Earlier today, my mom and I went out to the grocery store to stock up and prepare for Sunday's usual breakfast of scrambled eggs and hash browns. Orange juice is the ultimate topper for this ol' chap. It will be interesting to know whether anyone else prepared since we have had quite an advanced warning this time.

Animal Planet was showing that episode of Brad Pitt going to meet grizzlies. Damn, those are beautiful animals! 1,500 pounds of hair and muscle. This is the kind of thing Brad ought to be thinking about in a woman. Forget that little skinny Jennifer Aniston and get yourself a grizzly bear, Brad! I hear they like to do it in the water and don't object to paparazzi. Hell, they'll eat 'em!

Well, I'm off to deal with my usual tries to sleep thanks to my insomnia creeping back up on me. Hopefully, there will be no ice but some dancing penguins singing, "Doo-Bee-Doo-Bee-Dooooooo." I have strange dreams of grandeur. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

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Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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