Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Things just keep adding up here in HedgehoggyLand.........

I'm home alone. I know! Homeboy alone!!! It's kind of freaky since someone is always home here or some kind of noise is going on. It feels strange to walk down the hall and see my dad's computer room completely empty of his presence.

So, we got a call today from my dad down south while he's been helping my grandpa recover from surgery. Yeah, my grandpa is back in the hospital with something wrong. The results aren't ready yet but that didn't stop my mother from rushing to get things together in order to drive close to 4 hours alone with 2 of our 4 Yorkies. I'm babysitting the other 2 since it's easier for her. Call me Nanny Hedgehoggy.

I'm not going to deny that I feel like I am in complete chaos. This has all caused me to not want to talk to just about everyone. Don't get me wrong. I won't go and ignore people that wish to speak to me but I'm not quite going up to my friends for a chat quite as easily. My mind is in real worries right now.

For one thing, I am trying my damndest not to dwell on a possible future without my grandpa, a man that could be called a scary but gentle guy. Oh, he's a total guy's guy, what with a collection of guns and beer memorabilia in his den. That was probably my first real collection of seeing real fucking weapons along with deer heads on the wall. I'm not a hunter or even the kind of person that would hurt an animal but I still admire my grandpa. They don't make guys like this anymore.

Funny weekend I will be having. Babysitting 2 cute little dogs to which we all sat on the couch (okay, they did run around and chase) while watching this past Tuesday's "America's Next Top Model." I'm addicted to catfights so deal with it. I'm quite possibly the most feminine muscle guy you'll ever meet all with watching girls slug it out for modeling and eating yogurt after my workout. Pathetic? Very but I really don't give a fuck.

Of course, I saw J, my sweet bisexual friend from class. From here on out, I will not refer to her sexuality so get your names right in this diary. I like her and it's as simple as that. J wants me to call her this weekend and I may do that BUT she works quite a lot this weekend. I just want a real sit down with her without students all around making noise as well as a potential class looming on the horizon. J's so nice but I don't quite know her......yet.

Oh, the other students are getting pretty cutesy about J and I in class by laughing or giggling about the two of us talking a lot. Yeah, there is major flirting from both of us but........this girl has a girlfriend! What's a homeboy Hedgehoggy to do!?!

Gawd, it feels like ages since I've been in a real relationship. My past is so......unusual what with many colorful moments. I'm so used to my life now that I'm wondering just how much would change if I got involved with someone. More chaos?

I'm missing Bald-O, that shaved head bastard so early. Damn him for making me karaoke til late at night. I just couldn't drop that microphone and sang pretty much.......too much. There's something about just forgetting your troubles and singing a stupid song, huh?

To Rob, Bald-O, and pretty much everyone that has heard me, I can mimic Axel Rose's voice for most of the Guns N Roses songs. My best? I can do "Welcome To the Jungle" with real good accuracy along with "J-n-n-n-n-n-n....KNEES!" That line surprised everyone in that trailer.

I've always loved Guns N Roses songs such as "Welcome To the Jungle" but it's "Estranged" and "November Rain" that make me get all misty eyed. Yeah, I can do those but with occasional lyric slips. Practice makes perfect, no?

Why would Hedgehoggy sing the B-52's "Love Shack?" Because it is a fucking good song to sing when drunk. Period. The line of "Tin roof rusted!" is just fun to shout out. That's my opinion and a drunken Hedgehoggy is not to be trifled with.

*Little known fact: Rupaul was in the "Love Shack" music video.*

Bald-O, whom loves to do country songs like a real crooner would, sang an amazing rendition of The Righteous Brothers' "Unchained Melody." It was that fucking good and I had to listen to him do it twice. Bald-O's facial expressions and how he got lost in those lyrics were so impressive. No, he was not singing that song directly at me. That would be "Y.M.C.A."

"I said, "Hey young man...."

One thing I would like to point out to all of you potential karaoke freaks is to never ever do what that little Asian guy on American Idol did in how he sang Ricky Martin's "She Bangs." Absolutely hilarious but so, so bad. The poor guy has his scenes played relentlessly on channels that you just can't forget him.

What other songs did I do?

-"You're Still the One" by Shania Twain.

-"We Danced Anyway" by Deana Carter.

-"Don't Be Stupid" by Shania Twain.

-"There's Your Trouble" by Dixie Chicks.

I know, you probably think I love country music but that's so not the case. Although I love Shania Twain's catchy songs, I avoid just about all country songs but some of them are so fun to do in a living room after 8 or 9 beers. I do women's voices while Bald-O does the guys'. You should hear his rendition of Garth Brooks's "Longneck Bottle." The pickings were slim on the 3 karaoke CDs anyway. I'll just have to wait til I can break out some real shit such as Skid Row, more Guns N Roses, and Poison.

So, there is plenty more to get into but I'm pretty damn tired. Taking care of 2 spoiled dogs and figuring out how I'm going to deal with potential bad news is tough. My mom is going to shatter more shards of glass if something happens to my grandpa. Grandma is the other worry since no one can predict how bad it will hurt her all while dealing with Alzheimer's. Goodnight. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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