Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Gawd, it's Friday night and I am here all alone..........

Guess what!?! I am so fucking happy to be alone for once. 2 weeks with people all around me 24 hours a day got to me, a person that needs to be with his own thoughts or he'd lose his fucking mind. This time spent sitting on the couch for a couple of hours with my 2 Yorkies, Bonnie and Clyde, was one of the nicest moments.

Yeah, Bonnie, Clyde, and I sat on the couch to watch the NBA All-Star Rookies Vs. Sophomores game. I'm not much into watching basketball due to Michael Jordan's retiring (THE best basketball player. Period) but there wasn't anything else on to keep the 3 of us interested. TRL (Why is this on? It's past the fans' bedtimes!) had some kind of stupid V-Day special mushy crap that as much fun as watching an old lady lick dog poop off her shoe in slow motion.

I enjoyed sitting there with Clyde on my right and Bonnie in the corner. Bonnie is kind of bitchy at times so she doesn't like attention all the time. Clyde, on the other hand, loves it. He's always interested in sitting next to me for any moment. I also liked watching those two wear themselves out chasing each other before their bedtimes. By the way, Yorkies snore a lot.

So, my grandfather is going to be okay. I called my mom around 6pm to see what happened with the tests to find that we are in the clear so far, so a little less worrying now. That takes a lot off my mind.......for now.

Most of today was spent with headaches. Ugh. It's hard to walk around with your head throbbing constantly. Makes me sleep less at night as well.

Those of you that have read my diary for a long period of time know that I am obsessed with certain moives. Lord Of the Rings (Sword fights and an amazing epic!), Empire Strikes Back (Boba Fett!!), Fight Club (I was Tyler Durden), and so on. Well, I saw a little highlight about the rerelease of Donnie Darko into the theaters. Whoo! This movie had me so obsessed once I watched it that it has stayed there since. Brooding, dark humor, and movie that makes you think come to mind all at once. The director left it up to you in figuring out what this movie was about so only the smart people should apply themselves to watching Donnie Darko.

Don't you just love cult movies? I get so sick of people that think Disney or so many mainstream movies are THE shit when most are just a tired formula. Don't get me wrong. I loved Finding Nemo, Dumbo, Toy Story's 1 and 2, and Meet the Parents. It's just that finding a movie that not everyone has seen and feeling it is yours (along with 20,000 other people) and not being able to let it out of your head. Donnie Darko did that for me.

I like the movies that have dark endings along with grittiness that life is not going to always end happily ever after. Just watch "To Live And Die In L.A.", an amazingly done money duplicating scheme hatched by a young William Dafoe. I'm not ashamed to admit that I loved Wang Chung's soundtrack to the film.

Speaking of songs, even Donnie Darko's main song has been copied so many times. It's called "Mad World" sung by Gary Jules. Once I heard this old Tears For Fears song in his way, I was floored. Sad and brooding is the best way to describe the piece.

To show you how pathetic our CD stores are, not one place in my town carried the Donnie Darko soundtrack! It's always all this popular shit that tends to make me cringe that's so easily found. Does B2K have any real talent? Though provoking music is made to worked for so I was forced to special order this Donnie Darko soundtrack. Even Madonna is beginning to suck.

Audience: "Don't say bad things about our queen!"

Yeah, Madonna is an amazing singer and all but her number is done. Nothing good has come out of her in a long time since Bedtime Stories. It seems Madonna lives on shock in her videos by taking little old ladies for insane rides and possible nudity later on. Shock does not equal talent.

So, tomorrow is V-Day but I am much too tired along with this nagging headache to say anything about such a ridiculous holiday. Although I will get into it, I will say that a very wise Diarylander put it best in saying that if this day is the only day you celebrate your loved one, you really need to examine your relationship.

To me, if you feel the need to buy a lot of lingerie, you're relationship is pretty much shit. Save up for liposuction, instead.


-Diapers in trucks.

-"I tawt I taw a tit!"

-Mikey Mike and the drunk bunch.


0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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