Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Okay, now I'm back due to another interuption in my previous entry. My mother left. Let's see, my dad calls to tell her that Grandpa is once again back in the hospital due to an infection. Fucking hell!!! All of this chaos never ends for us here in HedgehoggLand, huh?

So, yours truly, will be Nanny Hedgehoggy for 2 spoiled Yorkshire Terriers named Bonnie and Clyde. Once again, I will have worries and worries of things going completely wrong down south to which my mother will come back so out of it that I will not be able to speak to her.

Not that we've got beyond a lot of words to a lot of words to each other, but Mother and I have been on short tempers lately thanks to both of us feeling so behind in life. For her it's life here in our hometown. For me, it's just that I miss being that goofy little bastard that somehow got through everything presented to him.

Okay, as I was saying, J and PenDragon are not pleased with moi ever since I mentioned the fact that I go on booze cruises with the boys down south. Hell, I went on 3 in one night the first night I saw Bald-O.

What a booze cruise is is you get a bunch of friends (mostly male but Crystal did go once), load up the cooler with beer (preferably with "Natty Light" or Bud Light), and drive through the country roads. It's so quiet out there that it's nice to just see only the eyes of animals as you drink.

I explained this to J 2 nights ago and had to end up promising that I will not be going on booze cruises anymore. The reason? I told J about how I have a recurring dream of me being in a car crash, a real nasty one.

Yeah, I can understand how J and PenDragon feel about me being in a truck with a guy that's had 15 beers is driving. What's really odd is that I'm so used to Bald-O being in control of his truck after consuming over 10 beers that I don't even think about it.

However, I do worry about one thing. Peeing. It's a pain in the ass to have the urge to piss every 15 minutes to which I end up washing the tires or sides of the truck. Crystal, Bald-O's sis, ended up seeing my cock one night thanks to her walking right by. Yeah, she looked but I don't give a shit.

Bumpy rides and the pain of having a guy with a bit too much of a sense of humor driving is horrible as well. When you gotta pee, it's not easy to feel the truck go over that bump. The worst is when the driver finds it funny to leave you while you're pissing for a short bit. So, my advice is to learn to pee really fast or at least zip up before anyone has to see which way you're hanging.

No more booze cruises for Hedgehoggy. He gonna cry........

The local A & F has stopped selling it's catalog here in my hometown due to parents' rantings against it. I know it's weird to have a catalog with a bunch of naked people all while selling clothes but Hedgehoggy likes it!

Damn all those censorers that think seeing Janet's boob made us blind or that seeing a tit is the most disgusting thing around. Naked people in a catalog is okay as long as the buyer is 18 or older but parents just don't get it.

You know what? I've seen a girl naked recently! Really! There was one in my bed not too long ago but I:

-Did not go blind after seeing her boobies.

-Did not end up acting like a monkey with a major constipation problem all while humping the bedpost like Mr. Peepers.

-Did not find myself wondering if I was going to hell.

Nope, I just made love to someone and had a wonderful time doing it. This country is getting way too conservative for me. Viva vagina!!!! Enjoy them and love them! If you are good to vagina, it be good to you.

Okay, I know I am sounding weird once again so I will stop here and try to get some actual sleep due to waking up and "leaking brain fluid" at 5am this morning. At least my dogs understand me. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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