Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
It's hard to clap for a major amount of achievement when in the middle of a major dose of sex. I either looked like a trained seal or a monkey with cymbals but I got the job done as Peter Jackson walked up to receive his Oscar!

Yeah, it was another amazing night of sex til such a late hour. My whole room contains her scents and I slept better as a result. Vagina is more powerful than we can imagine.

What I was talking about in the above statement was that in the middle of sex, I tried to clap once Best Picture was given out to Return Of the King. J laughed as I did my best to put two hands together all while still going at it. I'm such a multitasker.

So, before I get into all that.......

I put a dent in my car. Whoo! The funny thing is that the object that I hit was stationary, my garage. Yeah, I pulled out and heard the grinding as I hit my back end's side on the garage thanks to parking a wee bit too close to inside. The garage's paint is on my car to which I have to scrape out. It's not a huge deal since all I need is a dent puller, at least I *think* so. Embarassing, no?

After my dent, I went to see MR (Mister Religious, to all you that are new to my diary) thanks to yesterday being so nice out. He laughed once he saw my dent but not too hard. I admit that that damn thing does make me a bit red in the face.

While throwing the baseball around at the park, MR made a comment that I couldn't quite get out of my head.

"I want a wife."

Those were his words as to why MR will not move out of his parents' home. Let's see, he has a job, an uber amount of money saved up, and a manic love of religion. What could possibly go wrong to which you need a wife at such a fast state of time?

Alright, I'll put it more easily. MR would propose marriage on the second date (Run, girls, run!!!) thanks to his feelings that a girl is to be married to him and to pretty much serve him. I don't know how far he is in this cult..ahem......religion but it sure does make him spooky enough to which Thelma would even say, "Jeenkies, a weirdo!"

MR's views in a nutshell:

-Gays should be rid of.

-No TV, ever. He has no idea what is going on in the world.

-Reads the bible ev-uh-ry-day.

-Oral sex is wrong because the vagina was based for procreation not dining. It's so hard for me to keep my mouth shut on this one, literally!

-Not many people can be around him for more than 2 hours. Gee, I wonder why.

Okay, I didn't want MR to feel bad so I told him my secret talent was being able to turn on all the faucets in my house. Gawd, this guy has such easy humor ever since he started sounding like one of those "camel humpers" that live in a cave and shout naughty things to the U.S. all while dreaming of 72 virgins.

So, how was sex last night? Me likes! Me likes! It's kind of funny how much better you get as you keep experiencing it. Gawd, I love having J lost in pleasure on my bed. That Playboy throw is going to need a washing soon, however. I don't think it was designed for some major "wet spots" but I doth protest.

So, that was my yesterday, a religious fruitcake, cheering for Return Of the King, and a major amount of sex to which I can't clap quite right at this time. Wanna hear my seal impression? C'mon, clap for me you bastards! 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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