Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
So many announcements have made so fucking googly inside that I just cannot contain myself!

-Martha Stewart.....or "Home Demon" has been been found guilty of all counts. My mom and I cannot stand this woman that presents herself as being better than anyone else. My guess is that if you are an actual working woman, you'd understand more or so says my mother.

-Ginger Snaps 2 has been announced for an April 13th date on DVD!!!!!! Oh, if you know of my obsession of such an amazing movie about 2 girls so anti-everything suddenly attacked by a werewolf, you'll understand the beauty of this movie. The old wive's tale of a girl's period as a "curse" is put well in this flick filmed in the suburbs of Canada to which nothing will remain the same once Ginger changes to take back the school from the assholes that put her and the sister, Bridget, down. That is MY type of girl.

-Bald-O's cousin's husband got through the first round on Nashville Star!!! It's pretty fascinating to actually have seen someone that had the balls to present themselves like that. His name is Lance Miller and I can't wait to see if he goes even further next Saturday.

-Dawn Of the Dead, the grossest zombie movie ever made, was released on DVD. If you can handle the horror of people trapped in a shopping mall with hundreds of zombies and disgusting humor, this flick is for you. Just the previews from my old VHS tape scared me. I just have this appreciation for dark humor found in this movie and Ginger Snaps.

Well, I told you that I'm so into everything! I can take a gross out flick and a Disney movie anytime as long as there is some kind of value. No wishy-washy crapola for Hedgehoggy!

Some people don't seem to appreciate the value of something that has hidden beauty. The PenDragon didn't want to see Ginger Snaps because the box art looked weird. Yeah, I'll admit that it needs a bit of fixing up but that movie just stunned me with dark wit and humor. Funny how 2 years ago, everything was about Canada.

Last night in the gym, I was talking with this beautiful girl from the local college. *Don't go getting any ideas because both of us are with someone* She was telling me about a guy in the gym that stares at her and the sorority girls she brings with her. Apparently, we can also add that the guy likes to "hit on" a bit while staring at their tits.

"Hey, I know that dude!"

Those were the words that came out of my mouth when this girl described the guy that makes girls feel uncomfortable. He's been married for 35 years and is the dad of one of my friends in there. We've got ourselves a dirty ol' man!

Nah, this guy is a pretty good guy but he does stare a bit too much. Just last night, he came out of the cardio room (obviously watching the girls on the treadmills) as a really pretty girl walked by. The guy's eyes were all over her and looked her up and down as she walked into the room.

Here's the thing that it all reminds me of in a thought I had long ago. I am so happy to be male for many reasons:

-I don't have to deal with the opposite sex completely staring at me. Girls are more into glancing when they check a guy out so I have caught many watching my ass as I run the treadmill or completely staring at my pecs (thank you, J). At least they aren't like the dirty ol' man that sits there and drools while watching boobies flop up and down.

-I don't have to worry as much when I am alone and a bunch of guys are around. I've seen a girl almost completely harassed as she walked in the mall. These guys just kept saying shit to her as I followed to make sure things didn't get any worse. It's pretty shitty to make someone feel that scared to just to go shopping and being told that you are a "whore."

-I can pee standing up. Okay, I know I'll get flak for this because girls can do it, too. However, it is way cooler that we can just stand there and whip 'em out to seek relief practically anywhere along with designing our own writing on the walls or adding color to snow. Not having to wipe is a plus as well. The biggest is not having to pop a squat on the can at a public restroom. Only one girl I know would go without a stall and that was Kristan because she'd pee anywhere, anytime.

-Feminine products. I just don't know how I'd deal with tampons and pads. My guess is that I'd probably have a wad of toilet paper in my undies. Yeast infections will suddenly strike fear in my heart along with wondering if someone can smell my twat. *I have so many stories on this that I would rather keep quiet about* I really don't know how girls deal with this stuff but they have me saluting them for what they put up with so amazingly well.

Well, I've got dinner to deal with now. This boy is gonna have mac n' cheese topped with scrambled eggs and we so likes. A boy's gotta watch his figure, no? 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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