Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
To be honest, I feel like complete shit. For me, all day has been dragging ass here and there while coughing or spitting due to phlegm. Yuck? Oh, kind people, I understand how that disgusts you but taking care of 4 Yorkies can make things that appear out of my mouth to be less of an issue.

What I am currently wondering is if I am in some sort of a depression. Now, I shouldn't be in such a predicament but let's fact it, I feel awful. Last night's workout couldn't bring me back up. Nor today's pizza from my favorite pizza place (Stoners don't bogart on the cheese, folks!) could bring me back to life.

So, I sit here with many thoughts in my head to try and cheer myself up. Not much works but here goes......

-I love the Yeah Yeah Yeahs music video, "Maps," so much! It's eerie looking and the female lead singer is kind What's interesting to me is that I find everything in that video to be close to perfect, the dark feel and the lighting. Am I the only one that feels this way?

-Of course, I am ultra excited that the sequel to Ginger Snaps is on its way. Sometimes, I really, really want a completely dark anti-movie at a certain moment and that be now. Sucks to have to wait til April 13th since I have a huge crush on Ginger. What normal boy has a special place in his heart for a female werewolf?

-So, George Bush is attacking John Kerry in ads now? Gawd, how long does it take for people to see how stupid these ads are!?! Kerry has done nothing that Bush is accusing of along with putting out such moronic shit on how he has helped America after 9/11. Do you really feel safer as a citizen? It seems that Bush's economic team has been on vacation for the last 4 years as well. What really irritates me is how so many rich older Americans are Republican and say that they are proud of Bush!!! The narrow minded idiots don't see how people their age have a harder time with prescripton drugs due to not being quite as rich.

-What happened in Madrid was extremely heart breaking. I hope they get the bastards that placed those bombs and torture them. No one should just be executed but in complete pain before the actual death. I'm huge on capital punishment since this world is being run by idiots that need to be rid of.

-My dogs are so loving the runs in the house all thanks to me. Clyde can be found cuddled up to my side while watching the news while Bonnie finds a chew stick to tear apart.

-My brother's ex-girlfriend has not struck......yet. I know she will so I'm just waiting to see what will happen in the 2 weeks that my mom is gone. What I hope is that my brother stands up for himself instead of being the sack of shit kicked by horses. Gawd, I don't know why he wants this pyscho but he's desperate for sex or something. Where have all the cowboys gone?

-J's at work and then will be hitting it off somewhere with her best friend. No boys allowed so I hope she has fun. What is so great is that the two of us have space and time alone rather than having to soon get sick of being around the other too much. J seems happier when I'm around or you can just chalk that up to how much stupid shit leaves my mouth.

-How much basketball can a guy take!?! It's all over the fucking place in the past week. There's Michigan, Villanova, Georgetown, and so on. Me? I just watch the local team on occasion and look to see what shoes the other teams are wearing. Yes, Air Jordans are a must and I'm curious who's got top shit.

-Tomorrow, the latest pair of Air Jordans is released, the number 19's. They look pretty nice what with white and dark grey to which the top looks like snakeskin. Yes, I will get a pair as well as just about everyone I know will. Lucky that I know the girl that works there so she'll hold a pair for moi. My nice smile and batted eyelashes can work even the most unkind of people. Smoochies boochies!

-It's cold out tonight so I didn't go to MR's. What I wanted to do was play a little baseball at the local park but the wind wasn't working my way. If I don't get to be outside, I have to listen to MR's religious retoric and that gets old fast. *vomits* I've always been proud of how I handle myself so I see no reason to put up with shit like that. Let people live and keep your religion away from me until I ask or want to know.

-The Dreamers, a controversial NC-17 movie, has started playing here!! There's a good chance that I will see it since it has an honest account on sex, life, etc. unlike so many of Hollywood's crap. Last time I checked, when sex takes place, J and I are both naked. The Dreamers is fair in that you will see the guys' weiners just like we'll see some major bush. I so love directors with vision and honesty in this world.

-Speaking of sex, I forgot to close the blinds and J laughed as she pulled her panties back on. Right across from us were 2 kids playing in the backyard. They didn't see anything but could have if they looked up. So, I grabbed J and held her for a bit just to hold her. I'm liking this girl more and more, huh?

Ya know how some people say that sex doesn't change you? Well, I'm not one of those since it seems to hold me emotionally. For me, I like to express to J how I feel about her in how we have sex in my room. We all know that this mostly has me going down on her to which my Playboy throw is pretty much destroyed.

As I go down on J, I show her how I feel in that I want her to feel good and to have an explosive orgasm no matter how long it takes. Due to a sweetly scented vagina, this is so easy. You could lose me for days as I drink her juices and lick her skin. The more she moans, the more I get into it.

As I said, I know that there are many males out there that think oral sex on women is gross and demasculinizing. Most of these guys are just selfish fucks that shouldn't be placed with dicks in the first place. I know from many of my own personal experiences that girls love to know that a guy enjoys the taste of their vaginas' juices as well as the simple art of touch. We've become a society of having everything at the touch of a button but forgot that time is sometimes needed to get it done right.

For instance, J was extremely tired one night but also in a loving mood. I told her to just lay there while I undressed her and went down on her for a long period of time. The reason? Her body was so out of it that an orgasm was hard to come by. Of course, I kept at it to which I received a long kiss. Funny how J says that I spoil her in bed. Well, she spoils me in ways, too.

Ya know what I can't wait for? Jenna Jameson is going to produce a book called "How To Make Love Like A Porn Star" and I want to read her take on oral sex since she is supposed to be amazing at going down on women. A Penthouse Pet talked about how she let Jenna do it on her to which she, a completely hetero, suddenly found herself wanting only Jenna. I'm good at going down on girls but I want some new stuff to try, folks.

It's funny how I find myself feeling like a cult following. The same people read me over and over. It's nice to feel like some people really like me and it also helps keep me being as honest as possible as to what is on my insane mind. I'm just all over the place, folks. All over.

A big wave to:





I can always find you guys wanting to know what I have to say since so many people have taken me off their faves because I said something that offended them in some way. Geez, I've rarely ever agreed with anyone but you won't find me kicking people off over something so little and trivial. So, I'm gonna get my ya yas out while running the rooms with my two Yorkies, Bonnie and Clyde. You might find me hiding behind a couch since those little shits fight dirty. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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