Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
The driver's side of my car got blasted with poo from birds, recently. Careful deduction gives out a possibility of chili being a culprit. I don't know how the birds out here are getting a good old fashioned bowl of chili (possibly Wendy's chili)but I am not happy with with this. Today, I don't like birds that eat chili along with the people that help them terrorize my car.

Forget William Hung, that moronic Asian guy on American Idol that sings "She Bangs" over and over! We have a guy that continually cracks me up each time I see him. It's that Intro Guy on MTV that comes on during almost every show's credits. He's hilarious! The first time I saw him, I was a bit confused as to it all being a video but once I saw the segment where he dances in a secluded parking lot......poetry.

What is it about demented humor that gets to me? Intro Guy cuts out all these pictures and places them on a couch as if they are his actual audience while he does this spastic dance. The moves are so fast and weird that it's like each limb is going through some kind of sharp pain. Love it.

Girls need partners in my gym. Why? On the back extendor equipment (it's like you bend over but something holds you in place), 2 girls from the local college had to share with me since I'm still really focusing on my lower back after cracking it. *Catches breath after long sentence-Whoo!* Both girls used it after me and vice versa but as they did so, their pants slipped down to reveal blue panties. Nice color, too!

So, these girls had to stand next to each other in order to keep the other's pants up as the each used the back extendor. Isn't that an interesting job? I mean, you don't see guys holding each other's pants up just about anywhere but 2 girls will focus on keeping the other's color of undies on the down low.

For those of you that need a little perverted amusement, these girls were not wearing thongs, okay?

So, next week is my Spring Break but I feel like I've been on it since January. J's going to be leaving for Vegas this weekend. The issue is that all this week she is going to be busy since teachers feel like they need to place an overload of homework BEFORE Spring Break to kill any hope of leaving early.

Yes, there is sun on the horizon and that being that J will come spend the night on Friday once work is finished. The bad is that she's working late, very late.

Oh, you should see how much of a zombie J is at that time. It's like Dawn Of the Dead lost one of its zombies somewhere here in Illinois but ended up at my doorstep. Getting any kind of actual sentence out of J during this time is usually a grunt. At least she isn't saying, "Need brrrrrrrains!."

Being the boyfriend brings about chores for me. I have to sit her down on my bed to which getting little J ready for bed requires much work.

First, J has to raise her arms up for me to get the shirt off.

Second, I have to untie and take off shoes.

*I'm used to this since I've had to watch drunken male roommates do this for each other but don't place your minds in the gutters. Guys will never hold each other's pants up.*

Then, I have to yank off her pants while she lays on my bed.

Depending on how she feels, panties will come off last.

The final thing? Place sleepy J underneath the covers and watch as she falls asleep. She is so going to kick me off the bed again.

It's funny how in class J just announces to me that she wants to spend the night before she leaves for Spring Break. Isn't that nice? Now, I know for certain that she loves to sleep in my bed considering how warm and toasty she gets.

Another thing for those wacky pervs I have for readers......I sleep naked! Go, Naked Boy! Go, Naked Boy! When it gets warmer, you just might find my naked little bottom running in the sprinkler like a drunken frat boy.

Well, I've got dogs to deal with and gym to get to soon. An interesting email from Sammy today! I so love surprises from mah Stan!

News Announcer: "This just in. Local male found running nude throughout the streets at 11am. He was heard to be shouting and I'm quoting here folks, "I've gotta find a sprinkler! Fuck underpants! Bush has got to go! Real men wear Mickey Mouse watches! We are streaking! Coke and Pepsi are the same thing with the difference being cocaine! Hedgie needs food!" I tell ya, this city gets weirder and weirder each day. Footage of naked male at 11pm tonight. I would advice you all to shield your children's eyes because the girls seem to love this guy a bit too much." 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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