Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
So, here I sit staring out at the wet dreary day to which I ponder, "What happened to Spring?"

Yes, yesterday and today, we have had snow to the point that I am very much looking forward to wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Either that or my sprinkler fantasies will pop up again. There is just something about acting like a complete naked moron as a little shot of water hits your ass, no?

Well, I don't know about any of you but being a comic book geek at heart, we are pleased as hell to see some things getting brought to the big screen these days. A short while ago, I saw a DVD with the trailer for The Punisher. Last week, I was cheering on the very odd comic, Hellboy.

If you've never heard of The Punisher, it's basically a complete revenge fantasy to which a family man goes after the scum of the earth by killing them. None of that sending the punks to jail shit but just plain sending 'em off to a painful death. What makes The Punisher so unique in comics is that he has no super powers to make the revenge easier. Just a body honed from S.E.A.L.s exercises.

*Trust me. S.E.A.L.s have the toughest workouts I've ever seen. They make my personal workouts like 15 minutes of dog walking in a quiet neighborhood.*

Hellboy is very new to me due to the art not being my type to look at. I'm more into very graphicly done looks along with a plot that keeps my attention from Page 1 to Page 35. With a very good imagination, I'll be into the comic in no time at all.

However, it's the uniqueness of Hellboy that's got me curious. The basis is that some baddies want to get their hands on a demon to turn into a killing machine. Unfortunately for them, the good guys get it first and raise it good. Hellboy keeps the world safe from these amazingly crafted guys that just happen to know every martial art known to man. That's all I know but the comic book store owner I talked to recently says, and I agree, that it looks good.

Maybe geeks are slowly running things again........

Yes, I am still in awe and wanting to see Dawn Of the Dead, a remake of a classic zombie movie. It's not the actual zombies that I'm interested in seeing but just the horror of being trapped in a shopping mall with 'em. Would they shop at A&F or are they more into American Eagle? Do they have a softer side and need to visit Sears? I'm guessing that Foot Locker is a possibility since these zombies actually run. Nothing like some Nike Shox to make chasing humans a bit easier, huh?

I've lightly seen the actual Dawn Of the Dead. The nicely crafted tagline: "When there is no room in hell, the dead will walk the earth." My take on this, for me personally is:

"When there is nowhere else to shop, Hedgehoggy will be forced to buy something from Wal-Mart."

But seriously, I love to be scared and the thought of zombies coming after me all while I'm trapped is pretty damn frightening. I love to be scared but movies nowadays are so hard to find for this. Dog Soldiers and Ginger Snaps really got to me, folks.

Let's just hope Dawn Of the Dead doesn't turn out to be one 2 hour Michael Jackson "Thriller" video even though that was pretty cool. C'mon, who didn't find themselves saying, "It's a thriller! Thriller night!" and then doing that freaky zombie dance?

My only issue for myself? Talking J into seeing Dawn Of the Dead with me. She gets all freaked out at horror movies so wish me luck in asking.

Isn't it nice to come across old memories? I saw some Communion cards at the grocery store today. All of that reminded me of my Third Grade First Communion. Scary shit to be told that a piece of bread is Jesus. Guess what? I dropped him once.

It was embarassing to find myself having to stare at the ground as the Communion Wafer was just lying there once I fucked up while receiving it from the priest. It's one of those moments where 5 seconds feels like 15 minutes all while the priest is looking at you with those eyes saying, "Well, I sure as hell don't want to get it. You dropped it, you bastard! May you rot in hell!"

Once again, the line comes up. "When there is no room in hell......"

Amazingly enough, I picked up Jesus and ate him. Embarassed? Oh, yeah. However, this wasn't First Communion but after. When we did go through all the steps and even had to drink a little wine, all the guys kept it in their mouths to spit in the urinals once we all were allowed to pee. Imagine a row of idiotic 3rd Graders all wishing to get the awful taste out of their mouths and you get the idea. Well, you can add that to thinking about how girls feel the first time at giving blowjobs to find that cum doesn't taste quite as good as they thought.

Alright, that's enough of my scum filled mouth for now. I've got things to do and poop to fling outside. My dogs have been knocking over waste baskets to chew up used kleenexes. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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