Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Well, I found out that my grandparents are now in a nursing home. This whole statement given to me by my mother just set me up in a new motion because I cannot picture them anywhere away from their home. My grandpa would be sitting there in his favorite chair watching wrestling, baseball, or country music videos. Grandma would be doing her usual of scratching off Lottery tickets. Gawd, time sure does change things.

Yeah, yesterday's entry was a bit whiney. Although I pride myself on being different than others, I lose it at times. It just hurt to be compared to an ex-boyfriend and being told that he is better thanks to this aunt. She really shouldn't be judging because the guy that became her boyfriend is a complete ass that even she hates. It's her big problem of having to live in the guy's house to which sometime a move will take place.

Hedgie: (Waves bye-bye)

Dinner with J, last night, was good. Nothing spectacular in the emotion department since both of us were a bit out of it. J, being stressed about leaving for her Spring Break, and me just letting things get to me. I'm my own worst enemy.

The kiss J gave me felt so good because I'm really gonna miss her! She told me to wait at my car before she took off with her best friend for a Girl's Night Out. Then, she came over after putting things in the seat and grabbed me. To remember wrapping your arms around the person is sign of something good because I embraced that kiss as best I could. Is it any wonder why I will miss her til Saturday?

This is going to be a very, very quiet week for me that will most likely be based on observations and living in the gym. What with J being gone and no class makes it a bit dull. Coming up with things to do is what I'm trying to come up with. So far:

-Read Joe Eszterhas's biography, "Hollywood Animal"

-Chisel my shoulders with a new workout

-Put on the movie, Dirty Dancing, and practice favorite moves.

-Chase dogs through the house, fart, and watch them get confused as to where the sound came from.

-No more pizza for at least 2 weeks.

-Spring Cleaning by getting rid of anything with holes. Hard to do because some of my jeans have holes that I "earned."

-When all else fails, dance again!

-Take out my bow and practice archery again or at least play out my Punisher fantasy by posing like Thomas Jaine.

-Break out in song with Motley Crue's "Girls, Girls, Girls" all while staring at an 80 year old woman.

-Sit at park and talk to squirrels again by telling them how good it is to switch to Geico Insurance and give 'em a Snickers for listening.

-Practice Morse Code with house lights to see if anyone understands me.

I'm hoping that when my parents get back, everything will be back to "normal" because I miss it so much. My mom and dad came home for 1 day and then went back around 1pm yesterday. Although it was nice seeing them for a short while, it wasn't much since they were busy getting things ready to deal with termites at my grandparents' place. Let's just say that the bad stuff just continues to pile up, huh?

This worries me since I'm wondering if I will let depression take me over once again so that J won't see the real me. I'll just be a little sailboat lost at sea, hoping these waves don't cover me. It's March Madness but it's more inside me than these basketball games on all day. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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