Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
I tried so hard to look away but could not. The wanting of such beautiful music and an amazing dance sequence pulled me in to which I was lost in a medieval gaze as the moon began to have it's way with me slowly.

Yeah, I got lost into seeing A Knight's Tale. Ya know, that one where Heath Ledger plays a peasant that impersonates a knight? Gawd, I love that flick so much, even though it could be cut in a few places for better pacing.

What had me in absolute awe as same as when I sat in the theater was the dancing sequence. Here we listen to David Bowie's magical song, "Golden Years" and see Heath and his pursuit of the lovely Jocelyn. How many times have I mentioned this one scene as the two of them do this amazing choreographed dance. How can you not love David Bowie at his prime along with the character of Ziggy Stardust? Yeah, it was a different time but so what? I'm a sucker for certain time periods that remind me of songs.

So, J's back and to all of you boys that are forced to shop with your girlfriends, I salute you! To shop with her and her best friend Brandi in 3 places took us over 2 hours. Let's see......there were outfits to try on and debates as to what was a good bargain. Colors are very important to girls but all I know from this in watching J is that she hates the color, red.

Ah, but there was a gate that opened for moi in that being a very nice bargain on a pair of cargo shorts. Only one was left in my size of a color that I do not have. This boy got that pair without having to stand in line with a bunch of girls dying to make their way into the changing rooms. All I need is to read "34" for a baggy set of pants/shorts and I be off to conquer more castles.

While J got a new belly ring, I was off in search of a new stimulating atmosphere in the mall. If you see an idiot with spiked hair cooing at the little hermit crabs being sold as pets, that's me because I, for some odd reason, like crabs. You see, I lived in Florida for a week, right near the beach. You'd find me with Pugs, the owner's cat as we surveyed the shore. It was a long ago in going down there to see my mom's old college roommate. Though, I could do without Pugs eating those little lizards.

It's tempting to get a little hermit crab since they are so easy to care for. All you need is a little bit of food, a climate just over 70 degrees, sand, something for them to climb on, and a shell of 2 to keep on changing as they get bigger. Did I ever tell you that I also had fun with a clam in the garage?

Well, tomorrow is J's birthday but I will not see her. Why? School and the fact that her mom is celebrating with her for that time. I get her on Saturday night to which J has invited me to stay at her place. Did I tell you that she has a very big bed?

Okay, this is for the girls......

According to J and her mom, we had a short discussion on kissing and sex. What did I learn? Well, according to my girlfriend and her mother, a guy should be dumped if he cannot kiss and is horrible in bed. Sloppiness in kissing could signal sloppiness in sex. Well, I guess I am good, very good at both since I've been with J since Valentine's Day, huh?

*Pats self on back but blushes*

The reason J and I discussed this with her mother? Well, I found out that her best friend just got rid of a guy all because of his sloppy kissing. Okay, there is a little more to it but the the kissing thing was definitely in there.

I don't know what to make of all this exactly. I've always found kissing to be easy. Sure, slobbering and sloppy ones are just awful to which you feel like you are making out with a Saint Bernard or a cow from the local dairy farm but shouldn't time give a person a chance? Remember your first kiss? I'm sure mine was the weirdest out of all of them because I ended up "married" at the age of 9. The full story is here on Diaryland somewhere......

Well, I wanna get down to play with the Buffster, my grandma's dog. Nothing like giggling as a "lil' grizzly" licks you. Well, Buffy's a great kisser so I just can't get enough of her!

Goodnight, guys, and hello Alison! Good to know that you are back! *Waves* 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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