Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Has TV really changed since I was little? I mean, The Today Show spent some time on nose picking. I'm serious! A woman was on to help deal with a child's nose picking by telling Matt Lauer to put vaseline inside. According to this woman, children don't like that slimey feel. Riiiiiiiight....

This brings up funny thoughts within me of a girl that used to pick her nose and eat 'em. Her name was Mandy and we'd watch in horror while standing in line as she'd start diggin' for gold in them hills. Gee, I wonder why no one wanted to shake hands with her.

Speaking of horror, I devoted some of my time to watching The Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake that came out on Tuesday. Nice flick! Instead of being a shot by shot remake, it had some original thoughts to add on ol' Leatherface and company.

My only issue with this movie is that they showed a bit too much of Leatherface. In the first version of TCM, he was kind of kept in the dark more so the horror was more in your imagination rather than what you see. Obviously, we get this take that the reason Leatherface goes around killing people is that he's a little loopy thanks to a skin problem.

Since I got the special edition version of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, I was able to see the documentary on who Leatherface was taken after. It's a guy named Ed Gein, a serial killer from Plainfield, Wisconsin. Very interesting to listen to in the details of what this freak did back then.

*In case you don't know who Leatherface is, he's a guy that runs around with a chainsaw and wears a mask of human skin*

Dear ol' Ed had a VERY religious mother that forbade him to talk to women and basically treated him pretty bad. Once his mom died, he pretty much lost his mind and wanted to bring her back by digging up graves and using various body parts. Ed would use shin bones to hold up furniture, nipples for a belt, and vulvas neatly tied with bows. And you thought that one guy/girl you had for a first date long ago was loopy!

I don't know about you but it's interesting to learn about history, from serial killers to the era of Prohibition thanks to the stories of Al Capone. Many or our history books don't mention people like Ed Gein due to how graphically disgusting they are. How do you explain a guy that disembowled a woman?

Horror movies get to some people but other shun them. My dad is a definite shunner and would not take me to see A Nightmare On Elm Street or any of the Friday the 13th movies. Me? I love 'em as long as there I don't see women fall down at really bad times such as when the killer is right behind her or when a girl runs in "fuck me pumps." You'll find me screaming at the screen for this person to haul ass majorly. I also get mad at sudden scares of a character suddenly appearing. Does anyone just do that to their friends?

Well, all I'm saying is that if you love to get into the mind of a psycho, watch the special edition of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. For me, it was great to see the girl give Leatherface some much needed pain as well as a chance to hear about Ed Gein, a very nasty mama's boy. You'll have a field day if you can handle the blood and the sexy Jessica Biel. I was more into Erica Leershon.

A weird moment happened as I was peeing. I don't know why I am mentioning this but I cannot get the image of The Real World's Brad and how he ended up in the drunk tank twice. I mean, I laughed and laughed as we see him try to get a taxi while not wearing shoes. What made it even funnier is he explained to his roommates that he had no fucking clue as to how he ended up in the drunk tank and then had to pick up his ex-girlfriend at the airport afterwards. Is this guy pathetic or what? Is it any wonder why I can't look away at the poor sight of this big eyed drunk? Then again, I think up the oddest things while I pee, huh?

I'm not entirely talkative right now thanks to this nasty headache. There's so much on my mind thanks to a busy weekend of sleeping over at J's and taking her out to dinner. Although she might disagree, I *think* this boy is growing up a bit more.

Don't worry. I haven't forgotten my help for virgins that keep accessing my diary to get their jollies. There's much to come out of this naughty mouth.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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