Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
It seems as if everyone is going through a tough time. Remember how I talked about the class being a pretty tight group, oh, a month ago? Well, I've learned lately that things are pretty awful all over thanks to the loss of heavy laughter and quietness that have overcome what once was.

There are 2 people that have been in this little cluster of people from my class that used to be amazingly silly all the time. Chad was the one that pretty much got us all together by talking to everyone that came a bit early for class. He'd go back and forth from the tables to which people would soon follow. The next thing ya know, our practice for this foreign language was a very vocal get together that even the teacher commented as to being interesting.

Chad is now pretty quiet thanks to his house possibly being taken away from him. He made the payments but some kind of glitch came up and you can help but see this once goofy guy now slowly just sitting there only saying things once in a while. Add that to the girl from this same class that he started turning out to be a real bitch. That's J's words, not mine.

Next, we have one of the older women taking the class and having to deal with her 16 year old daughter being suicidal. The worries have closed that personality to the point that it's really just not the same. She's tired.

As you can see, we were a very tight group at one point, laughing and playfully being stupid before class started because we enjoyed each other's company. Now, it's just so different, along with what happened to J and I. Can it ever be the same again?

I can't help but think about a town in Michigan that had over 3,000 of its jobs go overseas. The place thrived on this one place but it decided to go thanks to cheaper labor. You should have seen the interviews of people worried about what they will do thanks to this suddenly happening, a town of a little over 5,000 losing so many jobs. Can it get any worse?

You see, I'm not exactly focusing on what happened between J and I right now. I'm displacing it til I feel ready to just let it all out. I'm really, really tired thanks to lack of actual sleep at night. The big picture is that just about everybody is going through a tough time or is depressed. I feel like I'm putting off my feelings til I blow-up.

Since I'm more than halfway done with "Hollyood Animal," with it's amazingly brutal account of life in Hollywood, I got 2 new books. It can get a little dull reading so much crap about Sharon Stone (dumb diva) and Sylvester Stallone (another dumb diva and complete moron) so I wanted a little sass and history.

What did I get? I was hoping you'd ask so I'll tell ya. The first book I came across by accident and it's one on Greek legends. A while back, I typed an entry about how I wanted a book on this topic so now I complete my own quest, folks. On sale it was!

The second book is "Pledged" by Alexandra Robbins. Who else wants to know the secret life of clueless and pathetic sorority girls? Oh, so sisterhood is, like, so important? I've always laughed at many of the sorority girls I've met thanks to their very odd devotion to a few letters and such. Not all are bad because some really do it for charity, like my friend, Whitney.

So, once I finish a biography on Hollywood excesses such as prostitutes, greed, and cosmetic surgery, I will dive into the true stories of clogged toilets that need to be dealt with by plumbers ( fish gotta swim and sorority girls gotta throw up......A LOT) and how dumb, really dumb, girls get "A's." It's, like, so amazing! Of course, we'll get into Greek stories after this.

So, I'd like to thank the people that sent me emails on what happened with J and I. It's great to know that people do want to know my life, good times and bad. Alison and my PenDragon help me back up. Now, I've got comfort food and movies that contain chicks with guns to deal with as well. Boys don't cry. We just wallow in pathetic diversions. Does that explain why I am wearing black underwear? 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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