Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Now I feel odd over something. You see, although J and I broke up, I found her to "accidently" touch me.......

It goes like this. I was sitting next to J as usual during a class get together before class. She'd just lightly touch my knee every now and then at some point in time. Granted, this wasn't all during the conversations that were going on but it did stun me a bit.

So, today I went to class wondering how it would go down since this is THE first class I am attending with J since the break-up. It went fine and not much was different, although she was not sitting in my lap this time to which I would rummage through to see what panties she was wearing so we're all good and then my leg falls asleep. Got it? Why do we need to know the color of our girlfriends' underpants?

To which brought me to the next question: "Would I walk J to her next class or would I run and hide at the college behind whatever soda machine is available?" Trust me. I've seen that happen before when a couple's argument got out of hand.

Well, I ended up walking J to her next class. It just happened, okay? J did seem happy to have me at her side protecting her from all the evil-doers known as "teachers" coming at us with all kinds of verbal obscenities.

"Do your homework and not your date!"

"What is the visceral point of a triangle?"

"Do monkeys have belly-buttons?"

Funny how all of this makes me wonder if J and I have broken up. Should I just start ignoring her but just being her friend in class. After all, J did do the suggestion that we break-up thanks to time restraints (Oh, there's more but I'll get into that later) but I'm wondering if she needs to know that I won't always be there as a result. You can't have your cake and eat it, too.

Don't get me wrong. I really do think J is one of the coolest girlfriends thanks to the whole short time period as being pretty easy to deal with thanks to no drama. There were some annoyances but nothing like my past relationships. No more cheerleaders, please!

So, I spend much of my time with my nose in the book, "Pledged," and it is good fun to read about the complete idiotic banter of sorority sisters. Oh, these people are in an outdated world that is no longer needed and should be shot on sight. To give up life long friends just for letters and to be the same as a group of girls is horrifying, indeed. Once I get deeper in the book, I'll let out what I find myself laughing at. The book is definitely a guilty pleasure in seeing girls as evil as this going through pain.

Somebody mentioned this:

Doesn't Adam of "Average Joe" look like a groundhog?

If Jessica Simpson was an editor of Us Weekly, the one with the cover for "How I Keep Nick Happy," do you know what it would read?

It would read: "With lots of "seks," of course." Isn't that a good one?

My mom and I found ourselves talking about Jessica Simpson and cannot believe how the world worships this piece of shit. Nick may have patience in being married to the turd but I don't think it will be for that long. While watching the show, I notice little "male characteristics" that show how annoyed he is getting with Jessica. Can you believe I am even discussing this!?!

Well, life is slowly on the ups for me due to the next 2 days being busy. I've got a Job Fair to attend and fun errands to run tomorrow so that would explain why I am wearing a Superman t-shirt today. Apparently, Mom thinks I am indestructible but she still wants me to vaccum 2 floors of this house. A male's work is never done.......up, up, and away for this fortress of attitude! 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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