Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
If there is one thing I absolutely dread, it's putting all my clothes back in the closet. I'll hide behind the chairs near the laundry room hoping to avoid the stare of a major pile (2 weeks' worth) just sitting there whistling, "Do ya wanna walk around naked, Hedgie, baby?"

With my old martial arts training, I'll spin from the opposite direction and suddenly pile myself onto the fresh scent of da little bear that somehow got into my house and made my dirty laundry smell so suggly soft. Ah, they say that music soothes the savage beast but da damn wittle teddy bear works its way on moi. Hedgehoggy and Teddy. It was meant to be.

Well, it's true that today has been spent working on getting my clothes back into the closet. Thanks to having far too many t-shirts, shorts, undies, pants, and 3 belts, I have absolutely no room for the latest t-shirt, a black one with the Punisher's skull symbol. I'm a fan of The Punisher, of course, thanks to the movie looking rightfully done.

Ah, the signs of summer to which I am subjected to the usual stupid question that sends my sarcastic mind into a frenzy. Is it any wonder why I try to avoid the occasional stare or people dying to show off by arm wrestling me? I get this same exact one every fucking year at least once:

"Do you workout?"

Every time I hear those words, I'm just dying to come up with something to send this person't mind into a tizzy. Yesterday's question got these to come up for an answer:

-"No, I just sit around watching TV, eating Oreos, and shittin' all over the furniture at around noon."

-"No, my body is a part of my philosophy to just DANCE, DANCE, DANCE! *Say this with bulging eyeballs and start to dance like a pathetic white boy*

-"One word, bub, 'roids." *Then, start to look really angry but suddenly mimic Daffy Duck and shout, "Whoo-whoo-whoo!" as you run down the hall.*

This question came up from one of 2 other guys that are in my class. I'm not mean or anything but I think it's pretty obvious that I work out and take care of myself. Thanks to the heat, yesterday, I wore an old college t-shirt that I cut up due to all the old sweat stains so that my arms and a bit of my chest were easily visible. The day was warm and I was in a rush so I just decided to stop being so modest and flash people with my ugly pink nipples. Deal with it.

Not all is perfect in life for me, today. My tongue has a sore area so eating is very.....uh.....interesting. I have to chew with my mouth open so I am not only socially unacceptable but not worthy of a date unless you like to watch a guy have his Oreos fall out as he eats them. I'm not sure how I bit my tongue so hard in the middle of the night but I sure do love having an excuse for my mother not wanting me to eat next to me.

Random thoughts brought to you by Hedgehoggy:

-My backyard (not my butt, okay?) has a new family of bumblebees. I have to toss my dogs' poop all while listening to these amazing insects buzz around me. If these bumblebees decide to attack my dogs, I'll be after them like The Punisher.

-J and I are talking......slowly. After class, she and I had a small chat and I even danced in the hallway for her while she was taking the quiz. *She could see me outside the door but no one else could* J's life is still so busy, busy but I know that I have no anger towards her even if she is a wee bit childish.

-I hate hanging up clothes. Did I already state this?

-Watching Bush on TV with his need to answer questions about this war, all I could think of was: "Those are crocodile tears. George doesn't care about anyone but himself. There was no real remorse but an attempt to cover his ass."

-The tape player (shut up) in my car is now dead. At least, I sure as hell can't get it to play my Guns N Roses tape or my own mixes so I'm driving in silence now. The radio doesn't interest me so I've gotta think up my own soundtrack to play in my mind. Sometimes, the Scooby Doo theme song plays or it'll be the Inspector Gadge theme. Whatever. I need a CD player for my car, stat!

-I'm finding more and more women that I should have added to my list of Top 20 women that make me go crazy. I feel so awful for not including all of these amazing gals (did I just say, "gals?"). Oh, I am so going to have to redo that list, folks.

As for who I'm pissed at here on Diaryland, I'll wait til later. It'll need a longer entry and I'm not into making this damn thing any longer. I've got dogs to chase and a few more shirts to put away. I'm just plain weird with my need for so many t-shirts and obsession for Air Jordan shoes. Won't someone shoot me, please? 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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