Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Rentin' aint easy........

It's pretty easy for me to tell when I am about to get sick. If I have to pee every 15 minutes for several hours straight, something's comin' up and it aint fun.

I'm not sure how I got a cold, once again, but I'm guessing that it's the result of dwelling on too much. It's been said that people can get sick from worrying since this can cause the immune system to suddenly go out of whack. Mine went on vacation and will be back in a couple days.

Besides the fact that I had to run down the hall to pee at exactly 12:30am and 4:45am, there's that annoying feeling in my throat as a result of it being dry all day/night. The reason, I know my pee times are because you wouldn't miss my groaning in the dark room.

"Aw, shit! Not again!"

For me, my metabolism is fast but a cold makes it uber fast. Any liquid makes me feel like I have an I.V. of coffee strapped to me as I live my life of zipping and unzipping. This is one of the many great reasons to be a guy, no sittin'.

*Girls laugh*

Okay, yes, I know that some of you girls pee at an angle instead of completely sitting down. Time is of the essence so more power to those that don't actually make puddles.

So, I've once again gotten responses to my much hyped attire, retro shirts combined with retro shoes. Of course, retro shoes are referring to Air Jordans from years and years ago. My retro shirts are basically weird slogans such as "Goonies Never Say Die!" I'm so 80's that I can recite more crap from that decade than VH1's "I Love the 80's" show.

The reason I bring this up is because I'm getting much flack for my style. As I walked out of the locker room last night, Will laughed about my Super Mario t-shirt that had a picture of a mushroom. Ya know that 1-Up character icon that you had to collect to get a free man? That's what was on the center of my chest.

Will: "Suuuuuuuper Mario!"

Yes, "X" get's the square, Will. Some of the other guys joined in with their thoughts on Super Mario Bros., a game that ever little boy remembers. I was only okay since I was more into Ninja Gaiden and Zelda.

Then, I turned around to see the main bodybuilder of my gym, Nick, basically pointing at me. He definitely mentioned something to the moronic girl he was training and it was about my shoes, the new blue/white Air Jordan Retros. Whatever. I really don't care what Nick thinks since I've basically thought of his as a no personality anal tighty-whities-jackass.

I've seen an article done in which they found guys that wear tighty-whities as being very anal with no personalities so this fits Nick easily. Besides, anyone that stays that long in the gym is completely dull, even with an amazing six-pack of abs as he does. We all know since Nick cannot pass up a mirror without lifting his shirt to show everyone.

Ah, but I love my collection of retro shirts that consist of AC/DC, Goonies, Star Wars, Where the Wild Things Are, and so on. So what if the one I am wearing now consists of Ralph from The Simpsons and says, "I Dress Myself." I do, anyway.

Now, this was something new to happen to me. While working on my back in the gym last night, Kim (a great woman I met that is happily married) literally grabbed me and then pushed me towards the area where guys bench press. She wanted me to talk to some of the guys in telling them to hurry up so she can press. Apparently, Kim had been waiting for some time since, well, guys just have to bench press for a long time.

Some of me thinks that Kim's insisting on my helping her secure a bench was cute. Me? I'm guessing it was the fact that I assert myself and people bow as I walk by. No, I'm kidding. The fact that I know a lot of people in the gym makes it easy for me to get equipment being used. For Kim, I'd definitely help but she later thought that those guys would think she's pushy. A.K.A. "Bitch"

So, for those of you that think your day is bad, I will tell you this:

-I'm sick with a cold and will need to pee soon after typing this.

-I cut my thumb open by accident thanks to the knife slipping as I tried to cut open a plastic container this morning. Let's just say that I haven't seen an amount of blood from me of that size in a long time.

-I'm fucked on my Final since it's still a bit confusing on this children's story to do it 100% correct in this foreign language. Many other people in the class haven't even started so I feel like a nerd, but a well dressed nerd.

Well, I really shouldn't complain much since I did get The Breakfast Club on DVD at a very cheap price along with Love Actually as a rental. Damn those assholes for upping the price of a rental to $4. Damn them so it just might be back to Blockbuster.......I hate Blockbuster. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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