Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Come hither beauty I aint......

It becomes quite a hassle to share a membership at Blockbuster with my little brother. Rarely, and I mean RARELY does he turn in his rentals on time. They will be 2 to 3 days late when their due exactly 2 days later. I've known the fucking due date since I am forced by my dad to rent DVDs for him each week.


That's the exact amount I was supposed to pay thanks to my brother's fine. How much did I have in my wallet? Only $3 for that time since I didn't expect this. Luckily, I was able to wave it off thanks to the fact that the guy behind the desk understood what it's like to have a brother like mine.

Funny how I can't seem to find a good rental place anymore. Hollywood Video raised their prices and I'm constantly "fined" at Blockbuster. What's a Hedgehoggy to do!?!

Hey, at least I'm not Billy "Hey, let's park our car in this house" Joel having a hard time parking the car. Gee, it's his second crash in 3 years. Friends don't let Billy Joel drive.

One of my biggest issues within is hating the feeling of being ripped off. The issue doesn't have to do with the money but that nagging feeling that you should have had something but didn't. It'll play with you and make you feel like a complete sucka'.

Well, I've been waiting and waiting for this movie poster to Underworld since......oh, back when I was still with J. It contained Kate Beckinsale standing in a huge amount of darkness carrying 2 pistols. The one most people have seen is where she is sitting on top of a building near gargoyles. It's okay but I love this foreign movie poster version of Underworld much better.

Well, I got an email stating that the poster was finally delivered to The States and I should be expecting it within 2 days.

"Happy, happy! Joy, joy!"

Now, I've got a whole new dilemma and that is how to get this movie poster into my already HUGE collection located in the back of my closet. You'll find the original Friday the 13th, Lost Boys, and so on back there all ready to be framed when I get my own place. It's all a part of my dream to own a room devoted to movies and sports (seasonal). I'm spoiled but humble so deal with it.

Last year, you could find me looking at architecture magazines of rich people's movie rooms. I was mainly concentrating on the area around consisting of what was on the walls and the set-up when it comes to receivers/speaker/wires around the actual showing of flicks. I'm good at this stuff and enjoy setting up home theaters since I was taught by the best here in town, Brad.

Apparently, there is much disturbance in The Force......

I'm seeing major protests on abortion, lately, due to Bush's thoughts of triumph in ending it one day. Sad. As much as I hate to tell you, I am for abortion.

When I was in high school, I came from the naive assumption thanks to being in Catholic school prior that abortion is a disgusting act. It is but since I am a realist, it's the best option at times.

While in high school, I got into a debate over abortion with a friend that just happened to be the school psychologist. She told me words that I would never forget:

"If the baby is born and the parents want nothing to do with it, it will suffer forever. In this day and age, people will do anything to refrain from responsibility."

True. We see babies dumped in trash, left in stalls, and even killed. Yes, all of this breaks me inside but there are also the kids that have parents that hate them ever since the birth. You see and hear of images of kids starved and beaten for nothing. One boy was chained to the fridge and left to die. The parents' response:

"We didn't know he was hungry."

It's sad to say that I'm for ending a fetus's life in hopes that the pain it would have had to go through will not be relinquished. There is also the added factor of keeping goverment out of our lives. Our bedrooms are being spied on to make sure anal/oral sex is stopped in some places.

Pathetic. Our sexual practices should be left alone as long as they aren't hurting anyone. My mouth gets me into enough trouble.

Sometimes, I wonder if the government actually cares about us since they bitch about things that are small when they should be figuring out how to get Iraq's dillemas dealt with.

Speaking of Iraq, why is this football player getting so much news? A lot of other people have died in this war but he gets mentioned a bit more than he should. So what if this football player turned down a million dollar contract! There are people that gave up the sight of their loved ones to fight this stupid idea of our government to prosper on this small country. Call me stupid for being cynical while I'm waking up with massive eye boogers and sneezing out more gunk than I can handle. Realists just aren't pretty. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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