Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"Love is all around."

That's the main belief behind the movie, Love Actually. Yes, yes, I finally got the ability to sit my butt down and watch this highly amusing flick that I've been dying to see once I saw an image of Keira Knightley smiling as she opened the door to a guy holding cue cards.

Mind you, I didn't see it all the way through until this morning. Last night, I got through 45 minutes and even though I wanted to finish Love Actually, it was late and I had already just finished my Final's script. If all this makes me seem like a workaholic, I can be because it seems to distract me from what I should be doing, sitting my butt down to have fun.

Love Actually has a fine assortment of actors/actresses from Keira, Hugh Grant, Alan Rickman, Mr. Bean, Colin Firth, Emma Thompson, and so on. Though I loved 4 Weddings And A Funeral, I've never been a Hugh Grant fan until I saw him in this movie. It was here that I realized that the reason I cannot stand him is that much of the way he acts

I'm not saying that Hugh looks/talks and sounds exactly like me but his mannerisms and goofy dancing has to be me here and there. After all, I am somewhat British and the fact that I can understand the slang of the UK is no bollocks. I'm not one for tea and a chocolate bisquit, however.

So, where was I? Ah, yes, I absolutely loved Love Actually! Very fine film even if some of the characters were not summed up at the end but that's kind of the way life is. The director seemed to have fallen for one and then we, the audience, find him bored by the end while others got a major explanation during the ending. Not enough of Keira. Damn but she looked so stunning in that wedding dress. Two thumbs up from Hedgehoggy, though!

Gawd, if you've ever seen Robin Hood, The Prince Of Theives, you'll know why Alan Rickman plays the BEST grumpy guys in the business. Either that or you remember him in Die Hard.

"Yippee-Kay-Aye, Motherfucker."

How many times have I actually been in love? I'm sure many people will obviously point to Kristan. Rightfully so! However, I'd like to say that it was 1.5 due to a romance that happened in front of a few Diarylanders, namely Sammy. Yeah, I met someone here on Diaryland that I talked very intimately with and continue to talk to all thanks to something we couldn't quite put our fingers on.

Seeing Love Actually, with the airport scenes, where people in the airport greet one another with hugs and kisses drove me mad. It all reminded of me in how I was invited to Canada last year to see my PenDragon.

If you can believe it, I, Hedgehoggy of Illinois, went all the way to Montreal to see a girl I met here on Diaryland. It's crazy but love makes you do strange things to the point of you really don't know what you are doing. It was one of the scariest moments of my life, to fly to another country for the first time and meet someone that I've only seen in pictures in another country!?! Just how mad was I?

I'm guessing that my words can do things to people because there are odd times that what I say here is good ol' fashioned fun. Of course, there is the complete rubbish that I spit out here and there on a bad day but we won't discuss that now.

Audience: "Fuck Brittany!"

Yes, I did fall for PenDragon while visiting her for a week in Montreal. Funny how she said, "I thought you'd be bigger." Well, I'm 5"10" but can bench-press more than the average male all while looking teeny tiny in a large coat shivering my ass of at a Montreal aiport come late December.

I got my kiss on New Year's Eve and watching my PenDragon speak of things no other girl has the brains or balls to say, I knew I wanted her. There were moments I'd love to clear the table and just lay her down to kiss her deeply. Isn't romance a weird thing?

Alas, my cards were not with me and realizing reality is a bitch, we can only be friends. Just how do you play out a long distance relationship that involves a plane and 5 hours of waiting? I'll have to ask E on this since her boyfriend still has not visited her. Pathetic.

So, I talk to PenDragon pretty much everyday. Friends is where it will be and I look forward to coming back to Canada to see her parents and nanny once again all while still having trouble with the language of love, French. Pity me on this because you need to know this language in Montreal, folks.

The new girl on the horizon? Well, it's odd really. There is a girl I met through the gym that interests me in some ways but it's rare that I come across her thanks to her job taking her away at night. In the past, I'd see her every now and then but hardly ever until I came across her grocery shopping.

Question: Just what do you say to a girl that you are curious about and has a shopping cart with a few boxes of tampons clearly exposed?

This girl came up to really, really chat before she began her workout in which many laughs were exposed. I'm guessing my story of my mother getting farted on in the store was a hit. I love to talk about all sorts of topics so......

I don't know what I am doing. I've got a sophomore in high school very interested in me, a girl with a boyfriend in another country, and a girl that used to date a guy I cannot stand (I still see him in my gym ALL the time). So, I'm sorry to point out that each has their good points and bad points. Too young. Too non-single. Too nagging feeling of a guy that's kissed her. I'm basically in the kind of pickle described in Love Actually in which Liam asks his son why he's down:

Sam (the son): "I'm in love. There's this girl named Joanna that doesn't know I exist."

Liam: "You're fucked."

I couldn't have said it better myself for me having such high standards and the fact that I may be over J but her habits curse me in thinking other girls are as immature. Pathetic.

Maybe, I should have that tea and a fat free cookie......... 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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