Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
"If you've ever had a nipple bitten off by a might be a redneck."

I think that Jimmy Kimmel said it best in that if you wish hard enough, sometimes, you get what you wanted. It's not easy since you have to be careful of what you are concentrating on.

-Rosie O' Donnel will be playing a retarded woman on a made for TV movie!

It's sounds so childish to say but I'm happy to find the so called "Queen Of Nice" being forced to actually try to act instead of forcing her beliefs down our necks with a shitty talk show (the really bad ones really on giving away free stuff so that we can all hear what 40 year old women sound like when opening up a package of Twinkies) and a magazine that she ran by making her employees fearful of her.

Today, I am a bit proud of my mom. Last night, she designed her battle plans on getting our stuff back from the cousins.

*In case you don't know: my grandparents were placed in a nursing home by my cousins so that they can loot my grandparents' house. There are a lot of valuable things in this giant place I grew up in as a kid and I am extremely angry that much of it is being taken away while my grandma cannot do anything about it.*

Although, my mom wants me to go along since there are a lot of heavy things to lift, I cannot. Someone has to be here to take care of the 5 dogs and the fact that my brother has not seen my grandparents in over 2 years plays into this. It's the first Saturday he has off so away he goes down south while I do my usual baby talk on Yorkies. It's scary, really.

I'll admit that I am angry at what my mom's cousins are doing and it has played into how I feel. My energy level is up because I think about the fact that I would have to force my way in getting back what is rightfully mine over little old ladies with greed on their minds.

"Hands off that Pooh cookie jar, bee-yotch!"

Maybe, I should just do my William Hung impression and start singing, "She Bangs," over and over again all while shaking my bon-bon. Isn't it funny how he's the only one of American Idol that's become so well known?

Just how popular am I in a town over over 60,000? Well, I came across 2 people I know, once again. Every week, I find myself stopping to talk to someone I met at work, through the gym, a special moment, or the fact that someone has decided to laugh at my orange shorts. It's not good to laugh at special people.

Today's T-shirt message:

"Jesus is coming! Hide the porn!"

Does anyone else think that Usher looks like that little black kid that sat in the back of class that couldn't get any play from the black girls because he doesn't look "thugged out" enough? I'm guessing that money plays into this because the dude has HUGE ears and looks close to being as bad as the ol' snaggletooth, William Hung. However, William is indeed trying to play out this 15 minutes of fame for as long as he can. Can someone please stop him?

Bored? Me, too. I've been practicing my Final presentation and had to retype a few things last night all due to my need for perfection. I'm swearing to you that drive myself crazy over this and no, I am not listening to that NSYNC song even though I did win their latest CD long ago.

*Hedgehoggy bangs head on computer for filling out a questionaire to name all the members of NSYNC and then won.*

The only thing that is keeping me sane at the moment is the words from Tears For Fears's song, "Everybody Wants To Rule the World."

"Welcome to your life.

There's no turning back.

Even while we sleep,

we will find you,

acting on your best behavior.

Turn your back on Mother Nature.

Everybody wants to rule the world!"

I'll get back to you soon, Sammy, dear. Oh, and thanks for giving me props in your diary, you know who. Yeah, I'd be the big jock that you just wouldn't suspect could actually read. People that I let in my world consider me to be a special gem, with a mild form of Tourette's Syndrome. I cuss like a motherfucka'.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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