Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Today's t-shirt: "Bend over! I'll drive."

Gawd, I hate it when I feel as if I'm the only one that updates here on Diaryland when I am just dying to hear what other people have to say about their lives and this world. It's lonely at the top.

Nick and I will be attending the extravagance of Van Helsing, possibly tonight. This night of elegance will start off with time spent in the gym where we will sweat our little asses off and then decide whether we can stay awake for an evening showing. Will the people nearby be able to handle our sweat puddles? Will Nick suddenly find me to be the sexiest little Hedgehoggy around but then I will have to fend him off with a fly swatter all while shouting that I am not gay and it is a curse to have some feminine traits? Am I doomed to forever hold too many facial expressions while I find each of life's routines so obviously silly?

I'm looking forward to seeing Van Helsing, even if the Wolf Man may or may not die. As long as I have the sight of Kate Beckinsale with a wip and 'tude, I'm a very happy man trying to fend off the advances of Nick. *Laughs* No, he'll be more into Hugh Jackman.

I asked Nick what attracts him to guys and he says that it's a bit of looks but also with a feeling of not too much masculinity. Hugh seems to be the better of this, what with his making you feel like he'll express his feelings all while kicking a little ass.

The strange thing is that I, too, like that in women. I'm an admirer of a woman that is understanding but also tough inside. Someone that is not afraid to express their feelings is a person to learn from. Of course, there is a right/wrong way of doing these things.

On occasion, as I stand there peeing, I get to watch a spider in the corner of the wall. I'm a person that has an interest in these shy arachnids all due to the misunderstandings of them. a spider's design is amazing!

I could never kill a spider but remove him/her if it is a dangerous one. It's just not in me since they kill the annoying bugs around me, like flies. Now, flies should all be killed along with annoying wasps.

After getting the flick, Scary Movie 3, at Blockbuster this morning, I came across another small spider near my bed. I tried to catch it to get a better look but it descended down underneath. Hopefully, it has found some kind of annoying bug to chomp on and looks out for me while I sleep.

While peeing, I thought of how J bragged at how she can pee standing up. So, what I was going to do was put her to the test by bringing her out to my backyard, have her stand there and hit my fence with this so called talent. No big deal? Well, I was going to have her pee on the fence all while spelling my name, full name. I'd even help her by picking her up and "writing" it out for J.

Guess who's pissed today but not about peeing and watching spiders? I've been watching the news and listening to all this shit spit out from Muslims about the U.S. In some cases, what they say is right but what they don't look at is how and why a lot of these things are happening.

First of all, I know that America has become a big bully thanks to our president, a man that was a drunk til 40 and has suddenly found Jee....zus. They've got a good point in how this fuck just pushes what he believes to be foreign policy and not caring about what the effects are. This would be a huge entry but I'm just narrowing this part down to a very small point.

However, I wonder why so many Muslims are upset about being treated like second class citizens in Iraq. Gee, did you guys think that possibly you behave like this? They are proud when a little boy kills and American soldier, wave guns in the air at just about any joyous occasion, spread lies about American doings, don't bother to help out American soldiers while in pursuit of terrorists, smell really, really bad, use Allah for any kind of excuse, follow a religion so out of date that women are supposed to be the worst excuse of human beings, cut up American soldiers, help cover up the bad guys supposedly following this religion, and being ignorant towards other people's religion when you shoot other people not wanting to join.

Okay, maybe some of those statements were a bit extreme but there are many cases where they are true. One of my issues with Muslims is the non-deodorant using ones that smell so bad that I can catch the bad whiff from across my gym. You come to this country? Fine but remember to follow some of our rules while our soldiers have to respect yours by not being able to bring Penthouse or Hustler Magazine to catch up on the latest twats.

The one thing that made me so mad was that woman that decides that because she lives here that her driver's license can show her in her head-wear. You won't see this Muslim woman's face so how the fuck would we know if this dumb bitch is legit?

I'm sick of seeing religions using the completely stupid excuse of treating its women as the worst excuse of life. You were born from her so respect her.

Now, it sickens me how Muslims are going on the news and telling the reporters how awful the U.S. is. Yes, there are some bad characteristics but they aren't much better. That annoying Middle East TV station that somehow gets copies of Bin Laden's voice tapes spends the whole time saying such complete bullshit that I'm sure that Muslims follow it without even thinking. It's kind of like MTV for American teenagers that can't think but are dying to know what Britney Spears is wearing.

The point from me is that so many religions are completely ridiculous in how they rule people's lives. Too many hypocrisies and you know why I'm not big on them but Wicca since it actually accepts a person for who he/she is. Extremists are morons.

So, if anyone would like to add anything or tell me that Allah says I'm an asshole, go right ahead. Christianity is just as bad so don't tell me to go hug myself and say 10 Hail Marys. Respect life and other people's opinions instead of being an ignorant prick following an outdated ideal.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

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