Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Today's t-shirt: "I play air guitar in an air band."

It feels like a busy day again all because in the time after I posted the last entry, I've gotten a copy of The Last Samurai, cleaned out my car, paid my gym membership, and took some things out of my mom's classroom for her.

The one thing that I've dabbled in recently is an online resume for a local company. As much as I love doing them from my own house, it can be a pain.

After all that posting of information, complete with history, etc., I lost it all after the 15 minutes of doing so. I'm not mad or anything but annoyed at how confusing it was to even get your info on the resume. I swear that I saved!

Nothing like the love of a paperless society to bring you back to wishing things were more straight forward rather than having to deal with a context that makes no sense after cursing yourself for the lack of cleanliness in your own car.

I've read that people with messy cars are more creative. Well, if this is true, I've got creativity out the wazoo!

The biggest problem I have is my tape collection that accumulated beyond what a person living in the year 2000 should even experience. I've never had a CD player for my car so are you gonna make fun of me?

My tapes, about 50 of 'em, are now in a plastic container located in my trunk. The foot carpet has been shaken off to rid it of grass and weird stickers that ended up there for no particular reason but my own stupidity....uh....creativity, huh? The dash is now dust-free and all coin is placed back into something other than the floor. All I'm waiting for is an extension cord to vaccum but I can wait for now since my car is at least a small amount of what I call "presentable." Oh, I am creative!

I got an email from Stephanie, an old college friend, that really pissed me off. It began with:

"Hi, Mike, I'm at work but am so bored and might fall asleep so I'm emailing you."

Gee, thanks, Steph! I'm so happy that you'd email me out of sheer boredom. What a friend to have! My guess is that when people have absolutely nothing to do, they want to talk to me, not out of fun but to stay awake. That was my purpose in life, to keep people awake.

I discussed this with Kim, my pal in the gym, and she thought I was right in sending Stephanie a semi-nasty email back that was pretty sarcastic. You see, I know Stephanie's real reason for emailing me is to get gossip about me or the boys. Well, the boys don't wanna share with the girls since the girls don't share with us.

I'm not getting my old college friends because some of me is realizing how pathetically fake most were. Stephanie was nice but wanted to know things about us guys so that they had something to discuss. Julie, the most annoying girl Bald-O and I despise, is pretty much the same way. It goes on but I'd make too long of an entry.

My only college friends I continue to stay in touch with always are Bald-O, Mark, and Crystal. Some of the guys I mention live nearby these people so I automatically get in touch with them soon enough. These are the friends that some people can only dream of having. We don't judge and expect you to be yourself while holding a nice cold Natty Light in your hand.

Well, I'm sweaty and stinky after cleaning out my car and coming close to losing myself after yelling at the computer so I need to take a long soak in the tub. It's my form of losing myself to hot water and thoughts of watching my toes turn a darker shade of pink.

Would you believe that The Sock Man has made my day difficult by stealing all that I once had so I now have no clean socks? There has to be drama in my life somewhere!

At least several people looking for spank material make me chuckle by finding my diary under even weirder shit than usual. Though, why do I always have to get the ones that Google under "smell her panties?" 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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