Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Editor: "You know that it's summer by the fact that stinky Pakastani guys start to appear like dandelions."

Yeah, I don't know a better way to put it but I am having major issues with Middle Eastern people using my gym without deodarant. What's funny about it all is that during the colder months, they weren't around as much but come summer, my gym smells really bad.

I'm not trying to be mean but I'd just like to give you an idea as to what I deal with:

-When a stinky Pakastani guy uses the gym equipment next to me, I start to feel pretty nauseous due to the aroma coming out of his "pits" and wherever else that needs a good washing.

-Many stinky Pakastani guys tend to work out in clothes designed to look good for work. Forget about t-shirts or shorts! I'm holding my nose while a guy in a polo shirt and slacks is huffin' and puffin' on the nautilus equipment.

-We don't get stinky Pakastani women because they are not allowed to work out. From what I've seen, they are told to stay in the playroom with the child while ol' stink-o decides to make Hedgehoggy's life hell.

-Many stinky Pakastani guys also do not think of manners. There have been numerous times where my use of equipment is interupted thanks to one just coming in a using it. The worst is having to clean up the "wet spot" left behind. Sweat left behind by Middle Eastern guys can kill a small horse and the occasional frog. Considering how lethal these guys can be with their body odor, small children should be kept away so beware.

-The worst is the fact that my gym is not air conditioned. Our pleasant feel is by medium size fans in use on the ceilings. You can spot me underneath trying to rid myself of accumulated sweat or trying to be able to breathe after a stinky Pakastani guy walks by.

I really just don't get it. Don't you, my dear reader, want to smell good? Aren't scents fun to smell and cause arousals in all different areas? The smell of cherries, vanilla, and caramel drive me a bit crazy!

It's come to my attention that a fellow Diarylander has been lying about her life. Now, I'm not 100% sure but it does put the potential to piss me off due to her having so many readers that probably don't have a clue.

19 people list me as a fave. Fine. I've been as good as I can be, give or take a few bad entries but who's perfect? The fact that this girl over exaggerates and has admitted to falseness in the past hurts.

It's amusing to me because I've put in my all to entries and people read me but don't list me as a fave. All of that makes me feel like an embarassment and not wanting to share anymore. While others just lie and lie to accumulate more readers, I feel like what I have to say doesn't matter at all.

What really irritates me is seeing people that have over 100 people list him/her as a fave but the entries put out are nothing but self-centered bile spit out to make him or herself look better. Either that or a lot of ass-kissing makes people list you as a fave. Pathetic.

Maybe, I will get into this later.....I'm feeling like this is a pointless entry, once again. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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