Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
First of all, I would like to state that when it is HOT outside, though must roll down windows and hang head out window like Ace Ventura thanks to having no air conditioning. This method of mayhem may give you weird looks from the occasional passerbyes but your hair will dry so much faster.

I'm not joking about how bad it is driving without air conditioning in my car. My dark blue shirt is drenched and I need at least 5 minutes alone to deal with wet spots here and there on it. These are the days I am just not socially acceptable.

As for getting my A/C fixed, that will come in time but right now I've had a long day of errands and that damn resume was finally sent out. I am so not a lazy bastard the way I occasionally present myself here on Diaryland.

Now, I have a weird event going on in my life. Since my dad works for a farmer, temporarily, he gets to deal with all kinds of animals such as snakes (copperheads), birds (they hunt pheasants), and the occasional sneaky mountain lions (or cougars because I can't remember which of them are so rarely seen in Illinois). What he brought home surprised me last night. dad and I are going to hatch quail eggs. *In case you don't know, it's a type of bird.* We have 107 eggs being incubated at 100 degrees in the outside garage that need to be checked each day. My job is to make sure the temp is constantly at that amount of degrees.

So, just who says my life is boring? Brittany should just shut her fatass Lane Bryant shopping mouth. Hatching quail eggs here in a city boy's house is pretty damn cool if you ask me.

It was kind of funny because last night my dad told me to help him in the garage for some odd reason while carrying a pail. In it was 111 eggs but 4 were cracked. 20 minutes later, all 107 eggs were placed in an incubator for potential hatching. Afterwards, I drove to the gym in complete shock as to what the hell am I doing hatching birds!?!

Now, I'm wondering how we are going to deal with 107 little peepers because my dad did tell me that they will hatch here. Just watching my dad, an overly masculine guy, feeding little baby birds is going to make me laugh. Trust me. My dad has given me a hard enough time as to how I have so many feminine traits thanks to my mother. Oh, he and I clash but not much lately.

Can somebody please send me some testosterone to make me a better man?

Well, all of this quail hatching is going to be fun to document and such. Wish I could put up pictures to show but I'm so not wanting any stalkers due to my past experiences here on Diaryland. Oh, I am so not shy about people seeing me because I'm exactly as I say I am in real life. No falseness, unlike some diaries I've read. Only a few lucky people that I trust get to see pictures.

Last night was another shock as well. My shoes were not stolen out of my car, afterall. I had left them in my gym's locker for those 2 days. Nick was laughing at me because I had told him how freaked out I thought that someone broke into my car to steal my Nike Air's old school Air Force 1's. How can I not? These are really strong shoes for basketball and working out in. AJs are for flash because they are just too sexy for toes.

I've been thinking that it is kind of odd that I'm hatching quail eggs after making that embarassing entry (last one) describing my awe of watching from my downstairs window less than 5 feet away a mamma bird feed its baby. They were in my backyard for over 2 hours hunting down worms and making a lot of noise thanks to that hungry chick.

Well, that's all I've got to say for now. I need a bath and some much desired testosterone to stop me from being a stinky sap. All I need is a bunch of baby raccoons to take care of and I'll be all teary-eyed with joy. Being sentimental sucks.

*To answer the question asked in my notes:

Yes, we get a lot of Pakistani guys that appear during the summer. I'm not sure why but they just come to my gym wearing nice polo shirts and pants as opposed to actual gymwear. The sweat stains and smell can cause sewer rat to faint, especially while working out next to a Pakastani guy. Try it. I'm sure a baby's "diaper-chilly" smells better. Ha Ha Ha* 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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