Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Today's t-shirt: "What would Scooby do?"

Another day in the grocery store. Another amount of frustration with little old ladies that want to argue about sales.

Yeah, I was stuck in line with a jar of Pace salsa for about 12 minutes or more thanks to an old hag that had to narrow down pennies with the cashier. Wanna know the worst thing? About 2 weeks ago, this was the same lady doing the exact same thing. Fucking hell because the guy in front of me only wanted to pay for his pasta salad and all I wanted to get was a jar of salsa.

Yes, I cussed and spit with the guy in front of me about this little old lady and her insane arguments to save a nickel or 2. Wanna know what really irritated me as well? She took a long time writing the fucking check as well. Gawd, have some consideration by preparing these things.

"I hope she wrote the correct amount."

Those are the exact words I said that made the guy with pasta salad laugh. Considering the amount of time we waited in line, I should have just walked out of the store.

My guess is that little old ladies are out to get me. I've got my mom's cousins that have driven us mad with their greed and now it's the same old hag that makes sure her hot dogs are not one penny more than they should be. A couple pennies!?!

By the way, when my mom writes checks for the grocery store, she gets them ready by the time the price is final. No one has to wait, etc. since all she has to add is the actual price and hand it to the cashier. Unlike clueless old ladies and those fucks that have to dig deep in their pockets to find enough change for the bus RIGHT WHEN THEY GET ON THE GODDAMN THING! Why the fuck can't they have it ready?

I so need to move to a country where consideration for others is warranted.

We keep reading about Bush's speech tonight in which a statement on how Iraq will be given back to the Iraqis. Man, I've got a lot of questions about this:

-How the fuck is this even going to happen?

-How do you hand over a really fucked up country to where most people have no idea they smell so bad and behave worse than animals?

-We sure as hell didn't do well so how the fuck is anyone else going to do better?

-Can we give as a gift to Iraq, Anna Nicole Smith, Paris Hilton, and Britney so we no longer have to hear about them? Could we send Ashton to Punk 'em and then leave him there?

"My wife gave birth a couple weeks back. She spent 3.5 hours in labor. That is amazing, folks, because after 20 minutes, I give up on a poop."

Well, the nasty heat is slowly coming back here in my town. Just ask me if I am looking forward to an excessive amount of sweat while driving with no A/C.

Speaking of that, this little typing moron forgot to get the stick of deodarant at the grocery store this morning. Curses to you, you old hag!

I've figured out how to get the price of the new Underworld extended cut down to $20. Happy, happy, happy! However, I am still a moron with very little deodarant left.

Gawd, we are going to be bombarded with Avril Lavigne soon thanks to her new album coming out on Tuesday. I think she is mega cute but untalented. We'll see what I say after getting a good dabble on this new album so I'm shutting up for now.

So, I will bid adieu for now. Be ready for bigger entries since I'm gonna discuss:

-Virginity (the real good stuff about how I feel in the topic)

-Why I dislike my ex-girlfriend (I've gotta let it all out soon).

-Movies everyone should have in their DVD collections (Only movie addicts will understand).

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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