Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Since I had so many problems getting into Diaryland today, I may just start updating before I sleep at night. This is highly likely since getting everything out before doing so makes a more restful me.

Today's t-shirt: "Never mind her cries of passion! Give it to her doggie fashion!"

Well, if I may start out with something of good news and then head downhill from there, I won a copy of Return Of the King!!! *Nearly faints* Oh, did I think all night on this since a po' Hedgie needed a quick jolt of love from somebody. Swords, a giant spider, a powerful ending and ET's rendition of "He aint heavy. He's my hobbit." to think about.

Winning a copy of ROTK made me laugh at how I once also won a copy of NSYNC's "Celebrity" thanks to just walking into a bookstore and writing down all the names of the band members (How could you not!?! MTV told them over and over) while a bunch of zit faced girls pushed me on occasion since I didn't need to share a pen with the lot of 30 of them.

By the way, that NSYNC CD has never been played, even if I do like 1 tiny little song on there. Nobody even knows I have the damn thing.

However, it went all downhill from there since it rained last night. When I opened my sunroof to get some much needed air not coming out of my A/C, a pool of water ended up on my crotch. Bloody hell! Due to not wanting to wait for my ROTK copy, I walked into the store with a HUGE spot on my shorts signifying that I either:

-Pee'd my pants.

-Played "pocket pool" in the parking lot since I just couldn't help myself.

-A girl of some kind decided she just had to have her way with me and left a "wet spot." Ya know, we guys do dream of those Letters To Penthouse on occasion.

Oh, well. Eventually, my shorts' crotch dried and I was able to walk without wondering if anyone was staring at it. Just another reason to give ol' Hedgehoggy a chance to unzip his 'em and wave his magic penis while singing the Lone Ranger theme.

C'mon! You know the Lone Ranger theme music. It's so good and reminds me of that old 1980's movie version in which the Lone Ranger was ambushed by Butch Cavidish's army but saved by Tonto.

"Silver is pure."

Okay, maybe it wasn't completely downhill since I did get the new Underworld Extended Version for a little over $20. I have yet to find the major changes since all I've seen are the outtakes (Hilarious scene in which a werewolf is scared of a puddle of water and Kate (Oh, my gawd!) shaking her fine ass at the screen wearing black rubber) and found that the director did not mark the scenes as to having new material. I'll forgive him since he had the smarts to marry Kate Beckinsale. Seen those Coke ads?

So, I'm hoping I get the time to go over the new Underworld. The DVD's actual design is way cool. You get a 48 page comic book with a small book on storyboard to movie comparison. The slip cover is nice in that it easily pulls down with a moon's glow. When you put it back together again, it combines with Kate sitting at the ege of the gothic building.

Last night, I worked a bit on my take on what DVDs everyone should have. Remember that this is just my opinion and will give you an idea as to what I own (close to 800) or want. Some will not be surprising. The problem is narrowing things down to 5 possibles in each category. Doing this at night, when my brain is kind of out of it is pretty hard, folks. Just be glad that most of the list is done.

*Found out the DVD of Predator: The Collector's Edition has been moved from July 27th to August 10th. Nearly cried.*

Oh, to end this entry, I'd like to add that I am a guy that is poked and prodded every now and then. My mom's a 3rd Grade teacher whom I visit to see if she needs anything taken home. Well, I went to get the cash for more salsa and the P.E. teacher saw me. I've met him many times before.

So, I got my biceps felt all because the P.E. teacher thinks I've gotten really big. Huh? I'm wearing an XX-Large t-shirt with what I thought was no way of showing off my "man boobs" or "guns." This is the second time I've been told in a week that I am getting really big. Fear me.

Well, this Predator lovin' werewolf's Death Dealer has to pick up his 5 Yorkies to run with. Either Mom's puttin' steroids in the mashed potatoes or I'm really holding the potential of becoming the Hulk thanks to gamma rays. Of all the things I've gotta be scared of, I don't wanna be green! Anything but green!

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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