Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Hedgehoggy's diary has been Googled and found under "Midgets Riding Elephants." I' like to thank these people for writing the weirdest things to look up along with interesting spank material. Without these people, I would not have as many daily laughs as I've been having.

Hey, I love a good need to find midgets just like everyone else. I may have a fear of them but I do my best to hide it. Pictures of midgets are always welcome.

It's either Father's Day or Mother's Day in which going to the mailbox smells so good. Why? Well, we find ads from local department stores with cologne or fragrances that just take me away.

Just a short while ago, I was inhaling Ralph Lauren's "Polo Sport" and Calvin Klein's "Obsession." Both are nice but I prefer Ralph's for now.

I've noticed how my nose has become more into scents. No, I'm not talking about the naughtiness of the female anatomy's unique scent but of things like cherries and strawberries. I'm guessing that Bald-O's obsession with having scented candles lit in his trailer has something to do with this.

As much as I love a nice scent on a woman, it's also great to just smell clean skin. The reason is that sometimes it's just worth it to find someone not hiding their body's natural scent. Be it, hair or breath, just knowing the person's actual uniqueness is good. Well, just don't constantly hide under a designer's fragrance and you'll be fine.

There have been moments where I never paid attention to a girl as I read in the bookstore but as she passed, I couldn't get enough of the light trail of perfume. It's a soft amount, unlike the little old ladies that splash it on. Yuck!

Lovin' Gretchen Wilson's "Redneck Woman" song and video. Then again, I always have a special place in my heart for women that take no shit. I'm sure Gretchen actually travels with a shotgun rack and it's not just to keep it real. Sometimes, she has to look for dinner.

I don't know why I'm mentioning this. It could be my need to get a temporary getaway card on all that naughty stuff I talked about previously but I admire this girl named Kim that I work out with on occasion. Mind you, she spends more time in yoga and spinning (ride a bike REALLY hard like a psycho with a room of people just as insane!) but she also likes to come up to talk to me. I like that feeling of not having to walk up to someone but that person may want to just come up to you instead. Kim, one of the nicest women I've ever met, is definitely a rare find. Her husband is a lucky, lucky guy.

An update on my grandparents' stuff:

-Most of it is still in the garage for now. My dad and I are going out to haul it all to a storage facility nearby. Most of this will be done today but it's just too hot to start it all. We've gone through just about all the boxes and placed things like knives/forks/pictures in here for safekeeping. Gawd, there is so much to do here.

The quail eggs are doing fine. Considering all the info I've read on them, they only have a 50% chance of hatching so a little over 50 quail will be making peeps around June 11th!!! I am so going to take lots and lots of pics of me hanging with my peeps so if anyone wants to see Hedgehoggy getting trampled by quail, let me know. No nudes since I am going to make sure my peeps keep their clothes on.

*Did you know the Hawaiian alphabet has only 12 letters?*

A big entry on my taste in movies will be very, very soon. Do you know how fucking hard it is to go through over 800 DVDs and narrow things down!?! There are so many reasons a movie can be loved and everyone has their own place at the table on this. My taste is really strange since I'm a mixture of all things.

Well, I've got a resume to send out soon. As for the locking of my diary, it may happen since I am finding more people on a real pain in the ass's side reading me. That bitch may be gone but her friends watch continue to watch me. If you find it locked, just use your old passwords (hopefully, I will remember them as well) or just send me a note. Gawd, I hate locking it again........ 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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