Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
There are some little things in life that take an actual doing to describe. Words cannot explain the feeling of doing such miracles that many people don't take the time to experience. Today, I held a baby bird in my hands.

No, it wasn't one of my peeps all nestled in their eggs but a little baby bird, complete with feathers, just sitting there on the ground. The parents keep coming by to feed it as I've mentioned in a past entry. Since the opportunity presented itself, I just decided to hold it near the garage outside.

That old saying that a mother bird will suddenly disown the baby thanks to a human's scent? It's basically an old folk's tale of bullshit. The parents still come by every now and then. Just hope this doesn't give the idea to others out there to pick up baby birds or bunnies at any chance they see.

It's a long weekend here in the States thanks to Memorial Day on Monday. I truly doubt many people give a fuck about the people that died in wars. Seeing Bush with crocodile tears after he had gone AWOL in Canada *wink wink* praising those that died makes me sick. Sad how we are in a war that is unwinnable but will take away so many people that don't even see this war as being actual justice.

Sure, I'm glad to see Saddam gone but the fact that it's obvious the Bush Administration has no clue as to what to do next makes me furious.

So, I bury my body on a weekend where I see so many people having family over. No one comes to see us since all my relatives are nothing but greedy fucks or snobs that don't even bother to call or talk unless they need something. I'm always jealous of those with big families that have those big outdoor get togethers because I miss them. You see, my relatives used to be good to know but suddenly went bad at one point when I reached 15.

I've never been one to keep his mouth shut about family matters. It's not healthy to just turn the cheek to all the stupidity of things that happen. If my dad criticizes me in how my way of thinking might be a little too "girly," well then I just ask him to get up off his obese ass and do something instead of sitting there watching movies that he downloaded. Gawd, I could go on but why?

So, after dinner, I watched E!'s guide to the summer movies. My take?

-I'd like to see Garden State, Saved, King Arthur, Spiderman 2, Alien Vs. Predator, Harry Potter, The Village and possibly The Chronicles Of Riddick.

-Is it just me in that I think the selection of summer movies is pitiful! I'm not naive in going to see Troy no matter how much the director tells me that it follows the book. I'd rather see a guy that kicked ass without his hair looking like he used Pantene each day.

-I'm confused as hell when it comes to The Chronicles Of Riddick. The movie's trailer looks good but there is a little man inside me saying that the movie is awful and Vin Diesel should have done 2 Fast 2 Furious instead of forcing them to pay him $20 million. Vin's ego gets him in trouble.

-King Arthur is THE movie I will not miss. I will go on that July 7th with sword in hand, raid the snack bar, and pillage the theater once the movie is done. I will not wear a skirt but I'll smell nice while wearing my lovely Air Jordan sandals. The reason for not wearing the skirt is that it is so hard to hide a boner when Keira Knightley comes on screen.

-Brad Pitt is losing major points with me ever since the amazing Fight Club.

-Kate Beckinsale is soon to be working on Underworld 2 and I'm being absentminded that I forgot whether it was a sequel or a prequel. Things are gonna be so cool once Marcus (The new elder Vampire) wakes up.

-The Village is way cool! No summer can be complete without a M. Night Shalamayan movie. Loved Signs and The 6th Sense.

Finally finished Underworld's Extended Cut and found it much more fulfilling. Some things that were left out of the book needed explaining because they led to other scenes. Critics get so confused and anytime we can add the lovely Sylvia's getting her breasts sucked is a good thing. What was added?

-A longer end fight was nice.

-Michael sees the victims.

-Sylvia and Kraven sucking her boobies.

-Little scenes here and there, especially with that cool "mad scientist" Lycan. Loved his smirks and evil appearance. Funny how he was actually a good guy, huh?

I'm not entirely interested in this entry so I'm going to tinker around elsewhere, folks. Weekends depress me and I've still got to check on those quail eggs in a little while. My actual weekend doesn't start til the next. I'm so fucking stoked about going to see Bald-O and my baseball playin' pack of fuck-ups!

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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