Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
I swear that I don't live on a farm or anything but it sure as hell feels like it! Now, when I go to visit the little chicks in my backyard garage, they scatter. What was once a very happy reunion with my baby quail is now:

"Oh, no! He's coming! Everybody hide. There will be no airplane rides of any kind here with us quail."

What's really cute (I swear that I am a guy) is that most of the baby quail all huddle up together in a portion of the large wooden box. The way they sleep is a bit more of passing out straight forward onto their beaks. Who knew quail can be so cute?

Unfortunately, 1 of the quail hatchlings died last night. I had to scoop it into my hands and toss it into the backyard to keep life going. A hungry cat or something could get a full belly so at least something appreciates the death of one of my chicks. Only about 30 or a small bit more quail to hatch so it'll be busy and noisy in that garage that is now kept at 95 degrees at all times.

I've got all the questions done and ready to go for anyone that wants to get their hands on my Underworld DVD. It's either that or I'll just take it to a used DVD store for cash/credit later on. My mom and I are suckers for quiz questions so hopefully someone knows movies and a bit about me.

Okay, as promised for my DVDs that everyone should own for sci-fi:

1. Aliens. This movie blew me away when I first saw it in that I was worn out. The whole pace of the movie felt like a rollercoaster of emotions thanks to a cast unlike any I've ever seen and an amount of suspense filled with the horror of that is The Queen. Yeah, not one person I know that has seen Aliens can forget about that thing that just happens to lay eggs and is 18 feet tall with long sharp teeth complete with dripping goo.

The movie, Aliens, was sharply made, something we expect from James Cameron, the director. We first set out as a rescue mission but in Hudson's words:

"We are on an express elevator to hell, going down!"

To me, this movie is not just sci-fi but action, horror, a small love story, and a good old fashioned chase all in one. The use of camera angles held so much suspense, especially in the scene where the soldiers are all expecting the aliens to be less than 5 meters in front of them but instead they are right above. That was the most intense I had ever been since my mom started letting me see scary movies.

Of course, we cannot forget about Ripley, the toughest woman with a M-rifle complete with grenade launcher. If I had to pick someone for my side, I'd go with her due to that fact that she followed the Navy S.E.A.L.S motto:

"We all go home or no one goes home."

Yeah, Ripley went back for Newt, the little girl she wishes she still had. Real Aliens freaks know that Ripley had a daughter, as shown in the deleted scenes.

I've seen Aliens over 30 times and still find it to be one of the few movies that kills as a sequel. Alien was good but Aliens is far superior with a rush as good as any workout I've been through. Hell, I haven't seen it for years but I still remember the names of the marines, Hicks, Hudson, Vasquez, and Sarge. Shows how good we were in being introduced to the characters. Loved Hicks and Hudson.

2. Star Wars. How can I forget the movie that started it all? George Lucas once was a director with a major vision til age slowed down the imagination. Does anyone think the Star Wars Prequels have a lot of worth other than Darth Maul?

My favorite is Empire Strikes Back with it's dark look but I'll start with Star Wars on this because of its vision and an introduction to Darth Vader that had me really going nuts as a kid. Here he was walking through the hole in the ship to find Princess Leia and the stolen plans and I knew we had something.

However, my favorite character went from Vader to Boba Fett. It's always the quiet ones that get my attention even though Hudson of Aliens was obnoxious when confronted with certain death. Boba Fett did not die in the Sarlacc as most die hard Star Wars fans know. His armor kept him alive along with a jet pack.

3. Resident Evil. I am obsessed with this movie due to the lovely Mila Jovovich being so good with a big gun. Throw in a really spectacular beginning and you've got a very happy Hedgehoggy!

I've never played the Resident Evil games so I don't know why this movie is so good to me when it follows a basic premise on dealing with a bad corporation doing naughty experiments.

Let's see......I've seen Resident Evil about 4 times and I was excited for each moment. Many people I know have not seen it but I've always liked a movie all for my taste. Why isn't Mila a bigger star!?! This girl knows how to pick 'em!

4. The Matrix. I know, I know, I know. You see this on all people's picks for movies but I've gotta tell you that after seeing this flick in the theater, my jaw dropped. It was MR that forced me to see this movie after I thought it lacked any power but here I was on the 15th week in a packed theater stunned.

What I liked about The Matrix was how I just couldn't put my finger on what I liked most. Was it the weirdness? The use of violence as art? The style of black? It was just so unique to me since I've grown so bored with most movies' lack of anything original.

Oh, I don't care what you think. I though Matrix Reloaded was pretty cool. Confused? I sure wasn't, even if I was trying to see if that really was Monica Belucci's bush seen through that dress. That freeway chase and the weird twins had me drawn to the whole thing.

5. The Terminator. I can quote this movie like a real man.

"He can't be reasoned with. He can't be bargained with. He will not stop until you are dead!"

It took forever for me to see The Terminator due to my mom not allowing me to see violent movies for so long but the wait was worth it. Sure, the special effects are dated but the ride itself was fun!

Once again, James Cameron has me loving pretty much all the characters, Reese, Sarah, and even The Terminator himself.

"Fuck you, asshole."

I'm not sure anyone can do as good of an impression as Arnold (now a moronic governor) with lines like that.

So, obviously you are scratching you head and wondering how fucked up I must be for my selection. Well, I just like my movies a certain way I'm guessing. What you'll notice with me is that most of the movies I love come out in The Fall. It's there that we can think instead of dealing with pathetic kids with no love of what they are seeing but just for boobs and explosion. Yeah, I was there for I Know What You Did Last Summer and cheered as Jennifer's rack was bouncing but it's not a movie I go crazy for.

After seeing Resident Evil: Apocalypse's trailer yesterday, I am really going antsy. It's this along with Blade: Infinity that has me awaiting not just the cool air but flicks that chase substance. Fuck the critics, because I liked The Punisher as well. Then again, it could be because I've got a body like that, too.

Be ready for a great movie quiz and more of my Top 5 Categories in DVDs to own.

Off to the chicks and hopefully someone will want to ride in the palm of my hand......

0 Got Balls?

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