Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
So, I am basically sitting here in a white t-shirt and baggy green A&F shorts wondering how the hell I wasted 2 hours in the doctor's office.

Why the hell did I wait for 2 hours!?! This had me furious while my mom (she insisted on going) and I sat there from 10 til 12:15 this morning. There was no fucking need for me to wait that long and spend my time reading magazines over 2 months old. How many times can I read a December issue of Seventeen while old guys look at me odd? Must I see Time's 3 month old issue wondering if the war in Iraq was worth it? The only magazine worth reading was an old issue of U.S. News that I didn't get to finish all because I finally got called back to end my wait. A part of my spirit died in that waiting room while other people were seen before me.

Not only did I read magazines that should have been thrown out but I thought about doing push-ups in complete military style to throw off the stares of other people waiting. I should not have worn my cut up t-shirt that showed my thick biceps and a portion of my chest because my nipples' hair was not shaved off yet. I forgot to so now I know why some girls don't wear shorts in hot weather, no time to shave legs, huh?

I also thought about breaking out in song to annoy the women in the check in area. My song of choice? "On top of old SMOKEY! ALL COVERED IN CHEESE! I LOST MY POOR MEATBALL IN THIS FUCKING OFFICE, YOU PRICKS!" Yes, I know the song's actual lyrics but it's better with the way I tend to do it. Nothing gets people's attention than a muscular ex-jock that cannot sing songs other than love songs. Give me Poison's "Every Rose Has Its Thorn" but not anything that has me get the giggles.

While in the bookstore once again, I came across a lady wearing one of the actual shirts used in the TV show, Trading Spaces. Cool! I went up to her to ask if she worked on the show and to ask if it is possible to work on this house in cleaning up the damage that my dear mother has done.

Nope. The woman doesn't work for the show but likes it, like me. I know it's weird for a guy to like Trading Spaces but I'm one that likes to see in homes and how people do their thing with it. Uniqueness and good taste get major points with me so I'm just dying to see who has what. My room is amazing and people don't want to leave due to so many wonderful toys to keep your eyes and fingers busy. Is it any wonder that I don't have a problem with buying a girlfriend a vibrator for when I'm not around?

I must admit that I'm curious, once again. Last night, I talked to a girl I've seen in my gym quite often. Turns out she went to school with my dreaded ex with an attitude, J. Good thing she doesn't remember her since J graduated a year ahead.

The girl I am discussing is cute, a bit skinny but that's okay since she's a runner. Love athletic girls! Run, girls, run! However, I am just curious at the moment and maybe the two of us will end up talking more and more. Yeah, I'm now very cautious due to J's attitude she gave me but to live life in the past is pretty dumb.

So, life here in the city with what seems like a farm in my backyard? The quail chicks are good but we have one that is a major bully, the first born. He (my mom calls it "she")likes to boss around the others and force his way by taking others' legs in its mouth and yanking around. Birds can be so nasty towards one another.

So, close to 50 baby quail in my backyard's garage all located in a large wooden box for them to run around in. My dad built a tiny "condo" that is basically a shoe box with a hole for them. Sure enough, quail know a good thing and love to hang out in a secluded portion of the wooden box.

I still think the fact that a baby quail or 2 will allow me to pick them up or they will just jump into the palm of my hand is great. It will then practice it's method of potential flying by flapping its thin wings as fast as possible. It's just a matter of time before they start flying.

If I don't have to waste hours tomorrow or sit at the computer doing some sort of dance to get employed, I will do the movie quiz and quiz on yours truly. It's all in good fun and I promise to give away the pictures of me with little quail and my Underworld DVD I no longer need. I've always loved it when people use their diaries for all sorts of things instead of boring the hell out of me so I hope others see this as fun as well. Nothing like a good quiz to get you thinking. My only thing is that I'm scared to give away my email address to receive the answers.

So, I'm outta here to prepare my mind for another workout in my gym all while trying not to pay attention to the fact that I lost 2 hours of soul while debating on whether to sing about sphagetti.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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