Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
I've just read an entry from a Diarylander in which she questions Michael Moore and his movie due next week. To tell you the truth, I'm not sure where to begin but I did get a bit furious.

Okay, I am someone that is very much for debate and to accept that some people may not share my views. I've never told anyone what to think but to make up their own minds. Hell, if I made you think, just look up the info yourself. I may have missed a few things or used a screwed up form of wording.

However, I cannot understand how anyone can defend Bush and denounce Michael Moore's flick as complete shit. I really can't. Michael has done a real favor for the world in making us look at just how much damage our world is suffering under the Bush Administration.

-The war in Iraq is completely ridiculous. At first, I thought it was to distract us from 9/11 and get us rooting for us against them. Then, I thought it was to cover our eyes towards the real terrorists, The Saudis.

Well, we find out that Cheney's old company, Haliburton, was overcharging us by millions of dollars. No one actually put a thought into what we should do once Saddam was ousted. Saudi Arabia was hiding many, many terrorist cells. Our troops have to pay for some of their own armor since the military will not. Troops had to pay huge medical expenses while fighting in Iraq thanks to being wounded while serving. Bush cannot even answer a question without looking like a deer in headlights. Many troops are fearful of saying what they actually think while serving in Iraq. The troopers that were placed in the Iraqi prison have to handle the fact that the government will not admit to giving them orders to torture. (Just who supplied those bags for the Iraqi prisoners' heads?)

Geez, think! Do you really want a president that cannot make a full sentence when he talks!?! George is a guy that ran off to Canada to avoid the Vietnam War, was a drunk til 40, forces religion to get votes, tells us that the economy is okay but his daughters won't take a chance with it so instead are working for him, has so many potential scandals to deal with soon regarding his behavior, and his candidacy is not fully credible due to Florida throwing out thousands of votes that just happened to be by black Democrats. Gee, I really want to know why anyone will vote for Bush.

Thank you, Michael Moore, for helping in the opening of our eyes. I laughed when I heard Bill O' Reilly walked out of the showing of this new film so that alone is a worth a thumbs up.

Now, what also pisses me off is that Michael Moore's film was given an R rating thanks to a few scenes, scenes started by our president, by the way. There is an Iraqi tossing a dead baby into a pile of dead bodies. Gee, why did that happen? Oooh, check our George Bush's golf swing!

It's highly amusing when a group of military veterans all say that they are against Bush due to his administration's need to bully instead of lead. That's what you get with a guy that leads the world with no actual thought process.

It's sad that Republicans are too afraid of Bush to stand up for themselves but spent a massive waste of time/money on trying to get rid of Bill Clinton. I've read little things that show a leadership that seems to bully with their views here as well. What kind of America is that!?!

Michael Moore sent a letter to this town that was beautifully written. (I doubt Bush even knows how to write a letter) His movie shows here this weekend so it was nice to hear a director that actually cares about making you think. I may not agree with Michael on everything (I did not like seeing him take the Oscar and using it to spout his views) but I'm happy that he may open people's eyes to the way this world is being run. If you want to read a great interview with Michael Moore, get the issue of Playboy that holds a great read within. Playboy interviews have actual questions and he can answer them all, unlike Bush, whom would just stare at you with confusion.

So, I know, I know. Politics are boring but you've got to admit they are important. Don't you care how this world is run? Well, I'm sick of those that are more interested in what Britney Spears is wearing or anyone that finds Jessica Simpson as worthy of having a TV show. It's my feeling that MTV has destroyed a teenager's actual thoughts with things that are not needed in this world. Will someone tell me their views on this? I'm much too tired to make this entry longer than it needs to be.

How Hedgehoggy got his groove back:

-I've been outside weeding, which involves pulling out weeds from around the house. Why? Mom wants to make our yard a bit prettier and there is that factor that she doesn't want to do it. At least, I get gift certificates for doing all this. Gonna get the Trainspotting DVD! Whoo-Hoo! Lou Reed's "Perfect Day" in 5.1 Dolby Digital on a hot summer night!

-I noticed a pair of socks were getting a hole in the right one. Went out for some nice little Air Jordan pairs that match my sandals and future pair of AJs do debut on July 10th. I go through socks so fast thanks to the fact that I run around the house in just them.

-Mike, the bodybuider in my gym that I hate, has quite a few people also disliking him. Harry and I mimicced Mike's need to look at himself in the mirror every chance he gets. Just lift up shirt and make sure people are watching. Watch Mike, Will, Harry, and Jennifer vomit.

-Been reading mag after mag on the release of Ghost In the Shell's TV show on July 27th. Fascinating movie so I'd like to see how far they take the latest characters and the main heroine. Love her! Seen Ghost In the Shell? Witness the girl that takes off all her clothes, installs a cloaking device to appear "invisible" and then fall from the building. This was in 1995......before The Matrix.

It's great that even Bald-O still remembers Ghost In the Shell because he and Blondie were obsessed with the video game. You basically drive a tank that can stick to walls and cause to white roommates to get angry at each other after too many beers. Sounds like a sequel to more fun and arguments.

-Talked to one of the guys in the gym last night. I had seen him working as a waiter at a restaurant/bar when I drove home one night. It's a really nice place that also has an outdoor portion (that's the part I drive by down the main road). Well, he (Robby) told me that most of the people that come to eat there are rich thanks to owning so many of the buildings in the downtown area. Gee, I wish America would have the wealth more spread out so that people that actually work can feel a bit more appreciation instead of having to go to McDonalds.

-Isn't anyone else pissed off with this complete destruction of the 1st Ammendment in which people are fined ridiculous amounts of money when someone says or does something questionable!?! Gawd, I would be in the hole big time thanks to my mouth. Vagina, Vagina, Vagina! Penis, Penis, Penis! Blowjobs, Cunnilingus, Masturbation, Shit, Fuck, Asshole, Cunt (Hi, Brittany!), Pussy, Dick, Cum Dumpster........

Well, I'm back out to dealing with weeds and other things. Try to think for yourselves, America. Be cynical and question everything but also respect that other people may disagree with your views. Oh, and try to avoid rap videos as much as possible. The cause feelings of shallowness and a possibility of needing a hot bitch telling you to back that ass up.

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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