Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
It's a sad day when my only laugh came from a Diarylander's amusing discussion of menstrual products.......

Yeah, it's so quiet all over town due to this being July 4th weekend. The city area had very little people walking around when I normally come across a hell of a lot sitting on the patios of restaurants. It seems that the rich have many preparations before taking their spoiled bratty kids to the fireworks.

Does anyone else find it funny when news reporters say:

"The 4th Of July is when most firework injuries happen."

Gawd, I'm not sure how lazy reporting gets but this one is pretty much a no-brainer that I'm sure middle school kids can do better. Hell, even Jessica Simpson could.

Our state banned fireworks so we are forced to go across state lines to the best of the best, Indiana. I did it once with Newman, my alcoholic best friend that I lost, in which we walked into a huge warehouse that looked like an ammunition dump. Loads and loads of fireworks with huge signs detailing how much money you are going to end up burning were everywhere. Funny how most of those there looked like rednecks that carry a gunrack in their trucks.

I've had many close calls with fireworks. A bottle rocket has come close to nailing my ear at least 3 or 4 times and I almost lost my thumb when an M-180 misfired in my hand. Good times!

I'm just one of those people that doesn't understand America's love of fireworks. I tend to just sit there and watch people blow each other up while sipping on a cold beer. I wish Steve-O would come to my house and shoot a bottle rocket out his ass just like he does in the show. He would have to leave immediately afterwards due to how he tends to staple his balls during boredom.

Speaking of balls, my Calvins have been running up my butt all day that I have to pull them back down during my workout all while keeping my balls in check. New undies are so hard to break in.

The gym was so quiet that I got what I needed to do done pretty quickly. The usual bench-pressing and shoulder workout and I feel like a new man, one with not many to talk to.

So, a 2.5 hour drive south all alone and with no A/C will have my Calvins riding up for what seems like eternity. The things I do for my boys, huh? No stereo to sing along to and I am very miffed that my Don Johnson impression will have to be kept to myself.

Wish I had a hilarious t-shirt to wear that would say my sentiments best. Wearing "I Love Lesbians" as I did last time, the effect has worn off. I did see a t-shirt that said: "How do you like your pussy?" and showed a bunch of cats. Well, as much as I enjoy a good joke, I just cannot get it due to my strong belief in not calling the vagina "pussy" since the word represents weakness. I've never found the vagina to be weak. Damn thing could handle 3 of my long fingers!

It's strange to sit here with my grandparents' things and look over to a picture of me in a playpen holding up lettered blocks. I know for a fact that if I had the brains I have now that I would spell "fucked" as fast as I could to hopefully get the word out that playpens are boring. A 2 year old like me needs to play in traffic as much as possible.

I am so not looking forward to going back to school but the job market being as bad as it is............well, it is a good thing to know accounting, anyway.

Right now, I wish I had a pair of tits on me so I could play with them. If I were a girl, I'd play with them when bored or taunt people by pointing things out while in conversation:

"Hey, I think my left tit sees!"

As you can see, I am bored, people.

Lost another reader due to the usual not being able to handle my thoughts. Fine by me but I laugh at how it was most likely my thoughts against anarchy. Just one tiny little thing that like and suddenly someone walks away? This world is getting much too sensitive for me. I need to annoy more of these morons on a daily basis.

If only I had tits..........

Watched a documentary about the censorship (Oklahoma 1997) on the 1979 movie, The Tin Drum. I can see why people were uncomfortable with it since it had young kids having sex but the movie is, from what I saw in the theatrical trailer, quite interesting. A kid decides that he's had enough of the hypocrisy of adults so he bangs on his drum and makes himself not physically grow. The kid's face is not one to forget because I sure as hell feel engulfed in this world of Nazi Germany that many would like to forget.

I remember being 8 years old and I told my older cousin that I thought the Nazis were the coolest since they had better looking weapons. It's obvious I was dumb but the blame should be on Hollywood's making them look so cool back then. To an 8 year old, image was everything. Mom found it funny when I had a major desire in looking up to Darth Vader.

Well, I've nothing to do for some time til I leave for south. No tunes playing in my car will save the ears of those driving close to me on that long road. 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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