Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
I've gotta say that after seeing Saddam in court to confront the charges before him, he can really pull off the beard-thing. As evil as this man is, I've also got to add that I missed him! It's almost as if Saddam has that kind hearted grandpa thing going and I'm just dying to shake him down for a couple million dollars.

Yeah, I know how Saddam killed or had so many people carry out his orders to rule Iraq but there is one thing I admire. It may be dementia or something else but he still stands firmly for what he believes in, unlike so many people caught red-handed and turn coward. Saddam will never back down.

What I'm talking about are all these criminals that say things but once they are in court, it's like the cause never existed. It was all a plea for attention or to live off people with petty little minds.

What irritates the hell out of me are these false religious nutsacks that talk little old ladies out of their Social Security checks. Apparently, the FCC is more into destroying free speech rather than looking into how some fuck that thinks praying on a piece of cloth will get rid of "the squirts" if you send $45. Am I the only one that notices these things?

So, Marlon Brando died and I've got to admit that although he turned into a complete piece of spoiled Jabba the Hutt, I liked his old acting. There is just no way I can NOT think of The Godfather without Marlon's take on him. Believe it or not, I have not seen this movie completely but in bits and pieces. What I did see, blew me away.

The other flick that starred Marlon Brando was The Wild One. Best fucking line I've never gotten out of my head came from here:

Bartender: "So, what are you guys rebelling against?"

Marlon's character: "What've you got?"

It's sad that money seemed to spoil Marlon in that he demanded huge sums just for a small appearance and a disgusting appetite for food that made him lose that look that made him so very famous. I'm definitely not one that believes in letting things go at a certain age.

I'll miss Marlon Brando, even if I didn't agree with him.

Love what Bill Cosby had to say on the black community! Gawd, it's what so many white folks here have been dying to let out but fear being called racist.

A List Of Our Town's Issues:

- Most black kids here just drop out of school to waste the chance of an education.

-It's "too white" in going to college.

-Local black leaders want schools to dumb down things so more black kids can pass.

-Most of our black kids cannot even read.

-$200 shoes, $50 pants, $35 shirt, but most live in a shit house with 10 kids. Just where, oh, where is that money comin' from, yo?

You wanna know what really had me rollin' about what Bill Cosby said? He talked about the "dirty laundry" of how many black males beat their women to lash out on how they think the white man did them wrong but they squandered their education themselves. It reminds me of how Snoop Dogg was on Howard Stern's show talking/laughing about how it's good to "hit a ho with a shoe to keep her in line."


Well, I leave tomorrow for some good times with the boys down south. Beer, fireworks, motorcycles, and a 51 inch TV. This is so in line for a young boy like me to injure myself.

I hate packing so I've just got 2 pairs of Calvins and 2 pairs of socks sitting on top of my bag for now. Trust me. Boys do not know how to pack and it is a sad thing.

Oh, I just weighed myself and found it really good to see this number flash on the screen:


Wow! I gained 2.5 pounds today and I'm oddly enough happy!?! My body feels okay even though I did not work out due to Friday being my definite off day. Gyros brought home thanks to Mom make my tummy full.

There will come a day when I just may put up pictures of myself so you get an idea why my X-Large t-shirt is almost too small yet I have only 10% bodyfat. However, I am scared of girls. Just read the entries a few days ago. Girls are so scary and confusing.


While I am gone, quail are going to be hatching. It sucks to miss out on the miracle of life when it comes to animals. Babies are alright but I'm a complete sucker for the animal kingdom, especially kangaroos and koalas. Even little alligators make me sniffle.

Well, I am outta here to sleep and then pack like a crazed maniac. Have a great 4 Of July Weekend, folks! If this entry isn't enough, then get crackin' on the previous ones that were long and a bit ramblin'. I'll catch up with you girls, later.

*Blows kisses to girls and then sexily plays with his left nipple*

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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