Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Example of a deep discussion in the south:

Man 1: "Jeet yet?"

Man 2: "Naw, y'onto?"

Correctly deciphered: "Did you eat yet?" and "No, do you want to?"

Trust me. I've gotten really, really good at understanding that southern talk and how deep it gets. This was an actual discussion that goes on and seems to be brought up by many comediens for good reason. Southerners are just so gosh darn funny!

Well, I am back and I'd like to say that I did not forget anyone. I've just been real busy with catching up on things ever since I got home yesterday. I can't get into it all but to give you a small taste of things since I have a haircut to deal with............

-My windshield is cracked. Just what did Hedgehoggy do!?!

-Rain is all around me and I'm tired of it.

-My throat burned for a long time this weekend so something must have done it.

-Just how much beer did I drink????

-Fireworks placed near asshole will burn. *giggles*

-Being a "responsible adult" is, like, so hard.

-Peeing on Bald-O's truck in the middle of the night will get you ditched in the woods but Hedgehoggy has a solution!

-"Fuck Her Gently" by Tenacious D makes me laugh so hard that I fall out of a chair. Read those lyrics and play it accoustically!

-First she's a heartbreaker and now she's dog-killer!?! Hedgehoggy gets steamed.

-So, I have an imaginary friend named "Skip?" Just how did that happen?

-What boys talk about when left alone with a case of beer after too many cheeseburgers and hot dogs. It's the latest discussion on who's not gettin' any!

Well, I just wanted y'all to know that I am back but I have so much to do thanks to the windshield incident and loss of sleep. I'm just not cut out for a 4am bedtime and wake up at 10am. Hedgehoggy has much to do but beer makes him a bit wily. He see leprauchauns and start to dance a jig after 13 Natty Lites.

So, hang in there, folks since I'm about to tell y'all a tale of weirdness and madness in the south. We likes it that way! 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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