Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
There are days in which I think the fates are against me. These past few days have me wondering if it's now weeks. Just who went down that secret road to Hades and sent the Fluries after me?

*Read Greek Myths to know what the Fluries are. Impress me.*

Well, I really shouldn't think of just myself, unlike many, many Diarylanders that desperately need to display picture after picture of themselves. You see, my town is still cleaning up after yesterday's major storm in which it was winds that took down a lot of our trees and power lines. By now, everyone in this town has power but the neighboring ones are still in a mess.

Storms fascinate me as long as I am inside the house. I love a good rainfall during the summertime but we've had rain too often. Why can't it happen at a good moment like where I'm having sex on the hood of my car? I know for a fact that my ex-girlfriend, Kristan, would have done it since we did it in the woods near Christmas to christen the snow.

So, it shouldn't come as a surprise that I have been through an actual tornado at my grandparents' where we all hid in the basement while the backyard's tree got sucked up. Fuckin' sounds like a train going through when a tornado hits. Felt sorry for the tree, though.

Today, was a slow but pleasant surprise to find the magazine, CFQ, placing Milla Jovovich on the cover to highlight Resident Evil 2. Wow! Love Milla's outfit so I've gotta give a shout out to torn stockings. It must be my evil side since I look like a really, really spooked white boy.

It's like I said time and time again how I love to see a woman kick a little ass and take down some major enemies. Milla's "Alice" is a wise choice complete with superhuman strength (provided by The Umbrella Corp.) and a shotgun for finding out if zombies still have their balls when turned. Seen Resident Evil? It's nice to have a movie that has cult status instead of being some Mickey Mouse shit that you become shocked and need to explain to kids that life is not that easy. There is nudity and bad language in real life. Just peek in my window.

So, obviously, I am going to find myself in a theater to see Resident Evil 2. At least this production isn't afraid to be R Rated.

So, my next destination finds me at the comic shop to scour the shelves for anything of interest. The owner's trying to get me into the independent types of comics whereas I grew up with Spidey, Wolvie, and the occasional appearance of Storm Shadow. It's been a slow process of branching out but I'm getting there with Dogwitch and Chastity, a kinky witch and a vampire/ninja respectfully.

Alas, somewhere I am screaming at myself to grow up but my need to see images of grandeur keeps me calm.

"The power of comics repels you! The power comics repels you!"

My apologies to The Exorcist, one of the greatest movies of the 70's that also had a hatred for split pea soup. They just don't make 'em that good anymore.

I'm dealing with this urge to document my life so I took pics of my comic shop and the owners. One guy loves to get his taken so I had a great time discussing poses we could have done. Knowing the owner's personality, I'm guessing he dresses up complete with a cape and urinates in outdoor restaurants' ashtrays. Me? I just have the power to do cartwheels.

Oh, me heart melts everytime I hear the words: Ginger Snaps. I tend to flutter and pitter patter on rooftops at the thought of a wonderful werewolf flick once again getting attention due to the soon to be release of Ginger Snaps: The Beginning.

A website had different reviews by people that saw Ginger Snaps: The Beginning at a convention in Canada. 2 were good but the third only thought of it as a well displayed slasher flick. Sorry, no. This guy also stated that Underworld was similar in that respect, being good looking but without merit.

Editor: "Hedgehoggy gets very flustered at how some critics do not see the actual picture. To just dismiss things so easily shows that actual critical merit is not being put to use. Ginger Snaps is THE movie with a message and that is to not fuck with werewolves, especially those with periods!"

Ah but my eyes widened when I heard that Katherine Isabelle, Ginger, has her ass on display. Gawd, I can't wait to see it! I am such a lover of ass that it's not funny and I wonder why it's such an issue. It's a muscle.

Hedgehoggy's demented mind: "I would love to lick the sweat off Katherine Isabelle's ass."

The reason why the fates were not with me today is that I had to leave the gym to deal with an errand ordered by my dad: get more DVD-RWs. I'd rather have stayed longer because, yes, Elizabeth was in there. She laughed at how I told her that it gets to hard to show her my scrapbook because nothing seems to let me do so. Elizabeth had to finish her workout but I had to follow orders.

A pinkee-swear was made between Elizabeth and I that tomorrow she will be in the gym and we will sit back to look at how young I still am while pictures of me with a bug net and short shorts make me look a bit too masculine. I'm wondering how my weiner survived that type of attire and just how many people saw the color of my undies. Moms should not dress children unless it involves cartoon characters and the occasional rock stars.

I'm sorry for sounding all wishy-washy about Elizabeth but I do pretty much like her in some ways. We share a love of working out and she wants me to run more instead of lifting obscene amounts of weight for too long. Elizabeth has only seen the jock version of me. It's the geeky movie loving, toys respecting, and weird music loving side that I'm afraid to display.

Best impression of The Joker from Tim Burton's Batman movie: (Geeky Hedgehoggy) "Wait'll they get a load of me."

I would also like to add that I so love Spice Girls' "Two Become One" and I don't care how much you laugh at me.

Will's back from his vacation so I have to deal with him making fun of me in my need to talk to everyone in the gym. I was all over the place, once again! It was Elizabeth, Gold Tooth's girlfriend, Sarah, Jody, Harry, and that ex-cheerleader from my high school. Somebody stop me! I talk too much and make no sense.

Well, I must get thee to bed soon since I need to read a couple more chapters of Geek Mythology instead of wondering which Spice Girl was cuter and just how low I can go in needing to have my ass kicked by a tough chick with leather and a shotgun. Ride or die but I'm bringing my comics with me!

0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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