Fortune Favors the Bold! I bring great big balls of glory! The Captain's Log
Women are a sex that should not be trifled with in certain situations.

Today was not an exciting day by any means. In fact, I thought everything would go completely wrong due to an awful start in which I was stuck in the mall having to listen to some radio station's desire to be noticed with local talent. Then, I got back late all due to above and could not be home in time to help my dad load the last batch of quail into the truck. I know. It sounds like a weird set of complications but that is me.

Yeah, I was supposed to be gone for only 30 minutes on personal errands at the mall due to a mishap elsewhere. Mind you, this is all at 10am and I slowly lose it when things don't go as planned.

It was the mall's desire to allow a set of local talent perform that made me late. I pull into the parking lot and my mind suddenly lets out:

"What the fuck!?! Why are so many people suddenly showing up? Why are mall cops outside? Of all the days to pick up what I need at our pathetic excuse of a mall."

So, I walk up the mall's entrance to find blonde girls with a massive load of hairspray and tight black pants. The thing is that they were white girls and had no ass to speak of so I don't know what they were trying to accentuate at this obvious high school level. As suspected, I take no notice. Elizabeth is much cuter and holds herself better.

I felt bad to find that my dad had loaded up the truck himself with the huge box of 20something quail. It was my fault to suddenly find myself amused as to who was taking the stage at the mall. I felt real bad since my dad needed me and somehow did it all himself.

*My dad and I may not get along completely but I still help, especially after his skydiving accident*

Rarely do I let emotions overwhelm me due to no time to sit there but this time they did. I wanted to just go to bed and stay there all day.

Of course, I made up for all this by really working on the deck with my dad after dinner. He came back once he and the guy my dad work's for let the quail loose. The cool air made it so much easier to pull boards since there wasn't any sweat dripping off my forehead. Plus, we tended to smell much better. You so do not want to know what my dad smells like after hours in the sun.

While pulling up one of the boards, I came across a female spider fiercely guarding her eggs. I'm not joking since she actually came after me by running up my gloves at top speed. Since the colors of this spider meant pain, I kept her away and made sure she was nestled under a dirt ball. Then, I took the female spider's eggs and placed them with her. Why did I do this?

It's not just that I admire spiders, something that also comes from Greek Myths. What got to me was how she was willing to fight a battle that we all know she could not win. A woman would die for her children!?! Maybe not so much in this day of age what with babies being thrown away but this 8-legged arachnid sure as hell would. I truly admired that and made sure the spider was safe from my dad's cutting up boards.

I was quite happy with working on the deck, once again. It tends to take my mind off of Elizabeth, a girl I clearly do not have time to date. It's the same with her due to school's hell coming up. The pounding and lifting of boards has my mind off of that lovely face, toned legs, cute ass, and unusually colored hair. Yeah, I'm smitten.

Want to know the weirdest thing I thought of today? I've only seen Elizabeth with her hair down just once and that time was a blink and you miss it. She always ties her hair up before her workout and keeps it that way after. From what I saw, it was frizzy and I did like it. I'll ask her to take her hair down for me if I remember.

So, how many more days of working on this deck? Well, Lowe's is delivering almost 100 long boards that my dad and I will be pounding in. I'm guessing 2 to 3 days with a mighty dependence on the weather. Today was great but the threat of rain kind of fucked it up.

*We've had the threat of rain allllllll week and pretty much everyday.*

So, what else is on my mind? I'm debating on whether to get Hellboy, a DVD due on Tuesday. The concept of the film is quite a thought that leaves me pickled since comic creators are not given enough credit.

Who created Batman? Not Tim Burton but Bob Kane, in case you don't get where I am coming from. Loved the first flick but the real origin is with a guy from the 1940's, folks.

Another DVD due on Tuesday is Ghost In the Shell's Japanese TV show. The movie that came out in 1995 is the most well thought out Japanese Anime ever due to it's desire to cause question. Is life in the form of a computer? Oh, and don't get me started on the art, complete with mega violence while seeing tank armor being pierced!

Another and final DVD is Showgirls VIP edition. Hmmmm........found the movie so amusingly dumb but a complete guilty pleasure. The fact that this DVD offers a lot of goodies makes it a need, replacing my old DVD version. You even get a thing where you can pin the nipples on the lead character, Nomi!

Editor: "Whoa! Nipples!!! I have a couple and so do you but why do us guys need to see women's nipples, anyway?"

I'm not sure how I will get all these DVDs thanks to my muffler being replaced, my windshield being replaced, and my transmission being worked on in the past. Money is very, very tight.

Once again, prostitution is lookin' mighty fine.

So, tomorrow will find me in the gym for a short workout, a couple errands, and then it's back to tearing up the deck with my dad. I'll see Elizabeth on Monday and I know I'm getting all sad n' shit over her not being around as much.

I'm not looking forward to saying, "See you when you come back."

Does anyone else hate this summer because mine's been nothing but all kind of falls? I realized that I missed the cool air as it surrounded me today. It's kind of like the teen movie's token black guy wanting to hang with another black guy.

I know. I know. No more late night thought comparisons. Just go to bed, you fucker! 0 Got Balls?

- - 2009-07-07

Love Facebook - 2009-05-07

Retards Away! - 2009-02-16

Jackasses! I Sees 'Em! - 2008-11-28

My Birthday Happened - 2008-09-07

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